Chapter Four: Are You Okay?

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Demi's POV

The principal finished with the introduction but I didn't notice.

I was too busy staring down the bitches at the front.

I started talking about the effects of bulling and my experience, but all I could think about was how certain people in the audience didn't seem to care. Specially, the ones in the front.

What did the girl in the back even do to them? I could see that she was uncomfortable but there was a girl beside her that was whispering in her ear. Good she has a friend.

My speech was interrupted when a certain girl in the front loudly giggled to her friend.

I guess you could say that I was increasingly getting pissed off with these girls.

"Excuse me? Yeah you at the front." The girl looked around and exaggeratedly put her hand on her chest. Who me? Yes you, you little bitch


"Yeah you. What are you laughing at?' I know what she's giggling about but I want to see if she's going to try and make up and excuse.

"Oh just this joke I was telling to my friend."

Nice excuse. She's really got me fooled.

Who does this bitch think she is?!

"What's your name?"

"Cassia Greene." Oh perfect she even has a bitchy name.

(No offense if your name is Cassia, I just know a bitch named Cassia so when I needed a bitchy name I thought of her)

"Well Cassia, has anyone ever told you that it's not nice to bully someone."

"Yeah, your talking to us about that right now."

I can see the girl in the back start to shrink down again like she is silently pleading with me to let it go.

Not a chance.

"You do not call someone a 'worthless fat pig' or anything else that you have probably thrown that girl's way. Its rude and disgusting to treat someone that way, and no one likes you for it. Don't ever speak to her like that again or I will come back down here and you'll regret it. Got it?"

"... Whatever."

Urghh what a rude little bitch. I am seriously considering marching down there and punching some sense into her, but a movement at the back caught my eye.

The girl in the back was trying to stealthy creep out of the gym but someone in the back stuck out his or her foot to trip her.

I saw it coming, but she was to preoccupied trying to sneak out

Thwack. She hit the floor hard.

She got up looking like she was about to cry and bolted out of the gym, taking my heart with her.

Crazy right? I don't even know the girls name, but I am so attached to this girl already.

"You guys can leave early."

I dismissed the entire school 30 mins early but I didn't care if the principal got pissed off. I need to follow this girl.

I jumped off the podium and ran down the hallways after her. I could here her cries down the hall and I followed her down multiple hallways and stopped outside of the bathroom.

I really gotta learn this kid's name.

------------------------- Rory's POV ---------------------------

I refuse to believe that I tripped again. The third time today. And the second time when I ran into someone? I ran into Demi Lovato. I freaking sprinted into my idol. Fuck my life.

I paused by the sink to catch my breath after running from the gymnasium. I smacked my arm on the ground when I fell and I can feel each of my fresh cuts throbbing. Inspecting my arm in the mirror I can see that each cut is red and aggravated.

But thank god they aren't bleeding, I am so not in the mood to play doctor.

I lifted up my shirt to see the bruises that Cassia and the gang left after the locker incident. You could clearly see my ribs and the fat covering my stomach. Combined with the self-harm cuts, some scars from my birth-father growing up, and bruises from abuse at the orphanage, my stomach looks like it's been run over by a truck.

The door behind me slammed and I spun around, dropping my shirt in the processes to tell whoever was at the door to get the fuck out before I realized who was standing there.

Demi was just standing there with a sheepish smile playing around on her face.

"Umm hi Demi. Sorry I'll get out of your way"

I moved to walk around her but she blocked my way before I could leave.

"No honey I didn't come here to use the bathroom, I came here to see you."

See me? I look like shit I cannot be talking to Demi right now.

"Well, you saw me. Bye bye now."

I tried to move around her again but she cut me off. Again.

"Look I don't want to sound rude but can you move?"

She looked a little surprised but she didn't move.

"Hon, I just wanted to say that whatever that girl Cassia has told you it's complete BS. You are perfect the way you are and don't let anyone tell you different."

"Um thanks I guess, but Cassia has know me for a long time. You met me like a minuet ago. Don't lie to me, you don't know me. Now excuse me."

"Hey, I know your upset but I'm here for you. Just say the word."

"Thanks Demi."

At least she let me walk past her this time. I was just about to leave but then she started talking again.

"I never got your name."

"It's Rory." I started to walk out of the bathroom, but then I hesitated. I know I'm unintentionally rude to people I don't care about, this was Demi Lovato not a school bully.

"Demi? Sorry if I was rude, I didn't mean to be. I'm just not in the mood to socialize."

"It's fine, don't sweat it. It was nice meeting you Rory."

I just nodded and headed back outside. Today was a long day.


Hey guysss I hope you guys are enjoying it so far! So no one commented last chapter, but I can see the reads increasing, so you guys could comment just to say hi it would literally take like 2 seconds and you'd make my day. I honestly started writing this cause I was in the mood to wright, so whether this story gets lots of reads or not it will probably continue :)

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