Chapter Ten: Sleepy Time

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~~~~~~~~~~Demi's POV~~~~~~~~~~

I think Rory's having a panic attack. After I asked about her sister, she started crying and her breathing got really irregular and to be honest, it's kinda freaking me out a little.

I don't know what to do, she isn't responding when I call her name, it's like she's in her own little world. She started screaming at the top of her lungs and latched onto me for dear life.

I started singing Warrior to try and calm her down. Around the second verse, Rory began to calm down a little and all I could hear were quiet little sobs that broke from her mouth occasionally.

She relaxed back onto me and quickly feel asleep and I let out a sigh of relief.

I don't know how people manage when I have panic attacks! I need to call Marissa and bless her beautiful soul for being soooooo patient with me, I never realized how daunting the task is until now....

But now I know, Rory will calm down with singing. I know what to do for next time, just in case.

But I pray there isn't a next time....

I would do anything to make her happy.

I leaned back with Rory still wrapped in my arms, shifting our position so that we were both lying on the bed and pulling to covers around us to get cozy.

I gently raked my fingers through her dirty-blonde hair, thinking about what she had said earlier.

'My father is serving life in prison for child abuse, rape of a minor, and first degree murder.' I'm assuming that her father is responsible for the murder of Arabella, but what about the rape?

Was that supposed to be a not-so-subtle hint that she was raped?

I glanced down at Rory who was now sleeping gently on my chest, she looked so peaceful in her sleep. So innocent.

So worthy of a gentle life, but what if someone took that away from her?

What if some bastard raped my babygirl?


I woke up to sunlight streaming into the room and the birds chirping outside the window.

Rory was still curled up in a little ball; she is so adorable when she sleeps! Her face muscles all relax and it looks like she doesn't have a care in the world.

We both know that isn't necessarily true...

I mean, she told me about her family yesterday, but something tells me that she's hiding something.

Probably something important...

After the panic attack yesterday, I don't want to say something to trigger another attack, but I need to know.

Should I just leave the topic for today?

Oh crap I never asked her about that Hispanic lady that burst into tears yesterday..... Why was she crying so hard? And damn Rory is smart, she can freaking speak Spanish fluently! I've always wanted to learn that! Maybe she can teach me or something?

Rory groaned and rolled over so that she was lying into my side and opened her bleary eyes to welcome the day.

Her beautiful chocolate brown eyes stared back at me and it broke my heart to see how broken they were.

It's like her eyes had hidden depth, something that is way mature for her age. Like that picture that was circling twitter a little while ago, you know the drawing of the eye with the demons on the inside?

It's scary to see that in real life; to see the pieces crumbling in front of you.

I just wanna put all the pieces back together!

"Whatcha staring at?"

I snapped out of it and realized that I was still staring at Rory's face.

"Oh sorry! I just kinda zoned out."

"Ya no kidding!" She laughed a little and snuggled back into my side.

"Did you have a good sleep?"

She just nodded in response and closed her eyes again. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and unlocked it to check my schedule.

It was our last day in Toronto before we headed back to LA, our flight was tomorrow morning. My schedule was relatively free, I only had an interview with a radio station at 3. I glanced at the time, Its 10am. We've got 5 hrs to kill before my interview.

"What do you want to do today Rory?" I asked her while tickling her sides.

She swatted my hands away and put a finger on my lips to make the 'shut up' sign.

"Shhhhhhh...... sleepy time....."

'Oh my god Rory, we gotta do something its our last day in Toronto!" 

She just looked at me for a second, shrugged her shoulders and leaned back into me.

"Ok then, lazy day it is!" I said and got out of bed to make breakfast. I cut up some fruit and put it a bowl to bring back to bed. 

Rory was sitting up now watching a rerun of Keeping Up With The Kardashians so I sat down beside her and put the bowl between us.

We watched 4 episodes; thats like 3 hours of TV

I couldnt help but notice that the whole time Rory only ate a piece of cantelope. 

Just the one.

We got room service for lunch and Rory only had a small salad with water. I'm starting to suspect some issues, but I don't really know cause I've had like 4 meals with her.

I decided that I'm gonna ask her about it after the radio interview because I don't really want to get her vulnerable and then have to leave. 

That would not be good for her mental health.

We stayed in bed the rest of the day until I had to get up and get dressed. I did my makeup and walked back to the bed where Rory was still sitting.

"I'm going to head out, do you wanna come with?"

"That would involve getting dressed and moving...... I'll pass. Thanks though."

"OK then, I'll be back in like 2 hrs then we'll get something for dinner."

The interview went by really quick it was so much fun! But the whole time, there was the thought in the back of my mind, like what am I supposed to say to Rory when I get back? 

'Hey, I think you have an eating disorder.'?

How do you even approach this topic? I guess the best way is to be blunt. 

I walked back into the hotel room to see Rory still sitting in the same position. Damn, it takes dedication to be this lazy. 

Ok Demi, you can do this. Be blunt, no beating around the bush.

"Rory? I think we need to talk."


I recognize that this chapted is shit, mainly because I didn't know what I wanted to say when I started writing it . Sorry bout that.

I have ideas for stuff in the future, don't worry


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