Chapter Twenty-Three: Invisible

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~~~~~~~~~~~ Rory's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Frankie was chatting up Madison and a wave of jealousy washed over me.

We aren't even together, and I'm still jealous.

Of course he likes Madison better than me. She's prettier, god knows she's smarter. I'm just the fat lil bitch in the corner. No doubt he wants someone with less emotional baggage, someone who doesn't cut. 

Someone whose not a nuisance. 

Demi is ashamed that she's even assoicated with me, she's probably regretting adopting me since day one. 

Why did I even stick around this long.

I unbuckled my seat bealt, ignoring the flashing light above my head that indicated that I needed to be wearing it.

I could see Demi, Wilmer, Dallas, Dianna and Eddie from wear I stood, but it didn't matter. I made up my mind, I'm getting off of this plane. 

I didn't even have to make up an excuse to get away from Frankie and Maddie, they were to involved in each other and their conversation to notice me.

So i just got up. 

And left.

None of the flight crew, none of the pilots noticed me either. 

I'm invisible.

No one cares and no one ever will. 

I blinked away tears as I walked down the stairs and back into the airport. Half of me needed to get away, but the other half of me is broken that no one even tried to stop me. 

 Unable to control my tears, I raced through LAX until I found a bathroom.

I collapsed on the toilet, head in my hands.

Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe, I could be happy, I'm not.

Just do it.

The voices. They're back. 

Do it, Rory. You know you missed it.

'Shut up!' I growled under my breath, pressed both my hands down on my ears in an attempt to block out the noise.

No one loves you Rory.

'No, Demi loves me.' I tried to convince myself. 

No she doesn't, she doesn't even want anyone to know your hers. She doesn't want a fucked up daughter. 

I gritted me teeth, hands shaking. I unlaced my converse and pulled my trusty old blade from the sole of my shoe.

Everything will be better after. Just cut!

My resolve crumbled and everything was a blur. Tears were blurring my eyes, my feet slipping on blood on the floor.

I slashed my wrists, my arms, anything I could reach . And I slashed until I couldn't grip the blade anymore.

It fell out of hand, pinging as it hit the tile floor. 

My vision started to go black around the edges and I leant against the wall so I wouldn't fall over.

Blood was pouring out of my wrists and It dawned on me that I cut way too deep.

I didn't care that I was dying. 

But I never said goodbye to Demi. I grabbed my phone, it slid around my hand, slick with blood. 

I was falling unconcious, I could feel it. 

The world was spinning around me but I think I managed to send a short text. 

I fumbled to hit send but the world collapsed in and everything was black.

I'm sorry. - sent.

~~~~~~~~~~~ Wilmer's POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I ran down the aisle to get to Demi. She was on the floor, knocked unconcious. Eddie and Dianna sprinted up the aisle directly on my heels.

"Wilmer! What are you still doing here?" Dianna screached, "Go find Rory!"

I jumped into action, stepping over Demi now that her parents were there to stay with her. I know that I should be with Demi, but Rory is in trouble. 

Demi would understand.

I rang Rory's phone as I ran down the stairs, but she didn't pick up. It was mayham in the airport, everyone was everywhere as I soon as I walked into the main area, the paparazzi went crazy.

"Have you seen a girl, blonde hair, yay high?" I asked a random stanger, struggling to remain calm.

"No, sorry."

Stay calm, Wilmer. You can find her. 

I checked the closest bathroom, but it was locked. I bashed the door down it a sudden burst of strength and I yelled at the sight before me. 

I could see Rory's paint leg sticking out of the stall, she was lying in a pool of blood. I raced over and knocked the stall door down.

I grabbed her wrists, applying pressure to stop the bleeding, but blood was coming from everywhere.

I checked her pulse, she was still alive.


"Hello, 991 what is your emergancy?"

"It's Rory, she cut too deep, I don't know if she's gonna make it!" I sobbed into the phone.

"Where are you sir?"

"LAX, washroom in gate 34."

"Help is on the way."

I hung up and grabbed Rory's other wrist.

I cannot lose her, I cannot. She means to much to me, to Demi. She's like the daughter I've always wanted.

Medic officers burst into the bathroom and gathered around Rory. I was pushed around in the mayhem, still sobbing uncontrolably. 

I realized that they were wheeling her away on a stretcher and I stuggled to keep up. 

"I'm sorry, sir, but family only."

"I AM FAMILY!!! NOW MOVE!!!" I screamed at the officer.

"Are you her father sir?"

"YES!" I screamed, pushing him away so I could get into the ambulance. 

I may not be her birth father, but I will do everything in my power to protect her. 

She is my baby now.


I felt like Wilmer should be the one that found Rory because I thought it was an idea that not many people use.

I also didn't wait as long to update, so yay! and um, i didn't edit this after so there may be spelling mistakes. 

I hope you guys like this chapter, it was interesting to write and I hope I did it justice. 

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