Chapter Thirteen: Home

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~~~~~~Demi's POV~~~~~

I laid in bed with Rory snoring softly beside me, thinking about the conversation we had earlier.

I suspected that she had an eating disorder, but I never thought about self-harm.

I didn't even notice the signs.

Like did she cut since I adopted her? Has she cut in the hotel bathroom? I don't know some of the cuts on her arms looked pretty recent......

I propped myself up on an elbow and looked over towards her.

She was so beautiful with her medium-length dirty blonde hair all around her head, her subtle freckles across her nose and her long eyelashes, how could she not see that?

How can she not see how beautiful she truly is?

I rolled over and grabbed my phone, setting an alarm for early tomorrow morning. We have a flight to catch. We are leaving Toronto to fly back to LA to get Rory settled into my house.

She doesn't have to worry about school because it's almost summer break, I'll enroll her into a school for the new school year.

Oh fuck, she has school! She never went this week at all! I totally forgot.

I set the alarm for an ungodly hour and laid back down against the pillows, settling down for an uneasy sleep because theres a lot on my mind right now.

I mean its not everyday that your daughter admits to having both an eating disorder and self-harm issues.

If Rory is strong enough to admit these things, you can sure as hell bet that I'll be standing right beside her.

I rolled over and snuggled into Rory's side, keeping her close to me and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to Mariana's Trench blaring from my phone and it was still dark outside.

I told you it was an ungodly hour.

"Turn it off." Rory groaned and shoved her head under her pillow.

I chuckled and rolled over to the bedside table to turn it off. But my phone wasn't there.

What the fuck? I frowned and searched the floor around it, but it wasn't there.

"Stop playing around and turn the fucking phone off!"

"I'm not playing around! I dunno where it is!"

I kneeled down on the floor and looked under the bed but I couldn't see it.

What the actual fuck!? It's going off, it's gotta be here!

It is wayyyy to early for this shit.

"Oh my god Demi, it's right here." Rory found my phone in the covers and quickly shut off the alarm and went back in the bed.


"Nuh uh missy, up and at it! We got a plane to catch!"

"Noooooooo it's earlyyyyyyy."

"I know babygirl but you can sleep on the plane."

She opened one bleary eye and eyed me as if to say 'no fucking way are you getting me out of this bed.'

"Don't make me get the water...."

She shot out of bed and ran around the room gathering all her stuff that somehow made its way into every single space of the room.

"Okay Okay! I'm up! Let's not resort to drastic measures."

20 minutes later we were both packed and waiting by the door for Max to come by and escort us to Pearson Airport. I was wearing black sweatpants and carrying my trusty pillow and Rory was wearing her usual black jeans and hoodie.

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