chapter three

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patricia survives her p.e. class, luckily.

her face is covered in sweat and her shirt sticks to her body uncomfortably, she occasionally pulls the garment away from her slick skin—but it quickly goes back to its original state. the blonde feels like screaming.

andy and petra returned to their senior class and patricia had to walk back alone. at least talking to them helped gain a little more confidence, because hey! she just talked to petra. the love of her live. and drank like, half her water. but she's not focusing on that part. it's embarrassing to think about the fact she basically stole all her water.

her face goes red at the memory, god, she can be so stupid sometimes! hopefully this was something a shower could fix.

patricia gathers her clothing and places in close enough to keep her on, but far enough that the spray of the shower wouldn't ruin it. she undresses out of her sticky gym clothing and flips her braids away from the water. it's a little cold, she'll admit, but it felt great to be rid of all the gross sweat.


she waits patiently for the other girls to file out before she steps out of the small shower cubicle, patricia doesn't really want another run in with petra—really, after all of that, she'd like to go to math class in peace without andy and her striking up conversation. small talk is something the blonde would never be good at. after quickly placing her trucker cap back on, she scurries out of the locker room, her books close to her chest.

"hey! tricia—wait up!"

she suppressed a surprised noise.

petra's back, freshly changed out of her p.e uniform and into her leather jacket-fishnets combo. the stereotypical riot grrrl clothing that only she can pull off. the dark haired girls boots click viciously on the floor as she scurries to stop the blonde.

"hey,again" patricia says, her voice on the fence of polite and irritated. she just wants to sulk in embarrassment alone, why is it so much to ask?

"hey yourself," petra replies, her cheshire grin blinding the former under the florescent lights of the school hallway. "so—i feel bad about earlier. with me not knowing you, are you mad?"

patricia smiles and shakes her head, "of course not, it happens a lot. don't sweat it. i just don't have many friends."

petra looks at her for a while, scanning her features before she says, "i can be your friend."

"i'd like that," the blonde replies, her face feels warm.

petra grins wider, "great."


her next class is filled with butterflies and doodles on her worksheets.

petra's cute and so irritating , a combination that's both endearing and eye rolling at most. the inner margin of her papers are filled with small drawings of hearts and petra's clunky steel toe boots. the type that look tough enough break anything with one swift kick.

petra is basically a hardcore scene queen, and she fucking talked, to patricia. the bassist for arma angelus talked to patricia stump, the chubby band kid who no one notices. she's on cloud 9.

she can't believe petra said she be friends with her, it was such a juvenile statement. the promises that preschoolers make on the playground—but it warmed her heart, someone willingly wanted to be her friend.

patricia smiles down at her paper, but quickly covers it with her hand. she feels silly.

she can't wait till she tells jo all about this. they've been distant every since she started going to the arts school downtown. always hanging out with her new boyfriend—sid something or other. a short three letter name that just basically screams i'm a punk douchebag with a motorcycle.

but jo's her best friend, and no dumb boy is going to change the fact that they've spent 12 years growing up together.

patricia rubs her face, and tears herself away from her thoughts.

another chapter!! lol is anyone even reading this??
(also if anyone's wondering i kind of picture patricia as a courtney love and fem patrick mix *obviously* and petra as pete but with really feminine features the 2007 hair lol)

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