[ prologue ]

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✏ prologue

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 'Stop! Please, just stop!' I yelped in the dark. I could only see the tall, skinny silhouette of my boyfriend within feet of me. The hitting soon subsided. The door leaving my room slamming, leaving a ring in my ears. 

I sat on the cold bedroom floor, sobbing alone. The pain still lingered on my arms, legs and stomach.

'What have I done?'

I sit and think about this single question. My fingers find my bruises, tracing them trying to rid the linger of his hands. 

I close my eyes. but all I see is him and anger evident in his dark eyes. 

I reach for my phone, struggling in every movement. I look at the black screen that as catching my tears. 

My phone buzzed in my hand, causing me to jump at its noise. My ex Luke's name blinks on the screen, the only person that seems to care. 

'Hello?' My voice cracks as I wipe away a stray tear. 

'Hey Mileena.' He said with a kind of hesitation. 'You alright?' The curiosity in his voice was thick along with his deep voice. 

Then it began. My panic attack. Realization washed over me, the usual when he decides to make an appearance. My heart racing along with my mind. 

'I uh I-I'm fine.' I stuttered, looking for words. Spots began to appear in my vision. 

'Mileena, are you okay? Is it happening again?' Shuffling movement was heard on the other end of the line, his voice rushing and concered. 

'I'm fine Luke. I uh, gotta go.' I said quickly before hanging uo and throwing my phone at the door that the monster walked through. 

'Why do you do this to me?' I screamed, tears streaming down my face. 

Air was escaping my lungs quickly. Quick, hesitant gasps for air escaped my mouth. Without thinking, I glanced down at my raw brusies. My eyes widened, body failing. My body slumped to the floor, and everything was black. 

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