[ chapter two ]

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Footsteps crunched on the sidewalk. The cigarette between my teeth filling my lungs with its bitter sweetness.

'Hello Luke.' I avoided meeting his eyes, my voice was calm. A small sigh escaped his lips.

'Mileena.' His voice was bitter, and full of annoyance.

'How was work?' I breathed in more nicotine, the cigarette dying ever so slowly.

'Excelent.' A small smirk appeared on his pierced lips. My gaze caught his eyes. His smirk never leaving.

'Oh, I bet.' My eyes trailed to his neck, covered in purple bruises. Hickeys. I stood up from the cold concrete, throwing my cigarette to die.

My jaw tightened, the lump in my throat began to grow. The door to our apartment swung open, revealing a worried Luke. His face was contorted, cheeks red.

'Mileena, I'm sorry.' He whispered, I slowly turned to meet his glance.

'Luke, you've always been fucking sorry!' My voice grew louder, my face heating up. 'Your'e always the one apologizing. Now it's my turn. I'm sorry for always crawling back to you. I'm sorry for always forgiving you. I'm sorry for always getting fucked over. I'm sorry I fucking stepped into your life Luke! But now, I'm done. This will be the last time you're sorry.' I spat, my words like venom.

Luke's jaw tightened. Astonishment flashed in his eyes but was soon replaced with amusement. His large hands clapping together, applauding me for my outburst.

'Well done. Well the fuck done Mileena. Now crawl back in bed so I can fuck you, and act like this never happened.' His voice was thick with lust, and his eyes were dark.

'No Luke.' I said simply, waiting for his reaction, never once have I said no to him. He always got what he wanted.

'Don't be so fucking difficult Mileena.' He sauntered over toward me, grabbing my arm with his large hand.

'Don't fucking touch me. Ever again.' I yanked my arm out of his threatening grip.

'Don't fucking walk away from me.' Luke's eyes flashed with anger, and what seemed like humiliation. His face was red, he was on the edge.

His grip came in contact with my arm again and swung me around. His large hand met my cheek, stinging. Red was all I could see.

'Get out.' I started calmly, but when he didn't move my voice grew. ' Get out of my mother fucking apartment. Now!' I screamed, probably disturbing the elderly neighbors.

He put his hands up in surrender before opening his pierced lips.

'Fine. I'll just go fuck Carrie or what ever the hell that sluts name was.'

His words and the sound of the door slamming, swam through my mind.

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