[ chapter three ]

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✏️ three

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Asshole. The first word that came to mind was asshole.

It's hard to believe that I was so fucking blinded by love that I couldn't see how much Luke never cared.

He cheated 11 times and I still went crawling back to him. I am utterly pathetic.

His words about having sex with carol (or whatever he said her name was) still haunted me but at the same time angered me.

I mean, who the fuck does she thinks she is? Everyone in his office knew we were together. I went to several office holiday parties.

How the hell do you not know?

Now that I realise it Luke never said I love you back he only gave me a small overly fake smile to shut me up and went back to texting on his phone or without me knowing, texting some skank about meeting up that night.

As I said before.

He is an asshole.

An asshole I'm madly in love with.

Luke's POV:

Finally. I am free. The only thing Mileena was good for was a good fuck. I mean she was the best but nothing I couldn't replace.

It was kind of stupid for her to fall in love with me. I treated her like shit but, do I care? No. She wasn't worth my time.

Cathy (I actually found out her name) went for five rounds of pure pleasure when me and Mileena 'split' it was never a relationship if I never cared.

And now? I was with Olivia and at the moment she was brushing her teeth. Why? She gave me head and honestly it sucked ass. I mean who only gets in two inches? Obviously only her.

The door to her bathroom was closed and her bedroom door was wide open. Opportunity to escape? Fuck yeah.

I pulled my shirt over my head and pulled my pants up while wobbling out the front door.

I unlocked the car door and quickly sat down rushing to get the key into the ignition. The engine roared to life and I was on my way to the one place that actually meant shit to me.

The bar where I could get drunk, get a random bitch to fuck, and no one would care. And that's exactly what I needed.

A/N: not edited

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