[ chapter one ]

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✏️ one

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"Luke, baby wake up. You have to go to work." I reminded for the fourth time. He finally sat up but not without snapping at me.

"I'm up! God, shut the fuck up Mileena!"

His voice deep. He threw the covers off of him and went into the bathroom, most likely to shower and do his normal routine while I did mine, which consisted of crying and trying to convince myself he didn't mean it.

Fifteen minutes later he came back into the room and rolled his eyes at my crying muttering a 'pathetic' under his breath.

I pulled the blankets up to my chest and muttered a small goodbye and I love you as he left. But did he ever listen? No. Soon my thoughts consumed me and led me to a not so peaceful sleep.

Luke's POV

"Uh shit!" My thrusts were hard and fast making the random employee tighten her legs around my waist as she came shortly before I did. I pulled out and tucked myself back into my boxers, pulling my pants back up.

Carol or Carrie whatever the hell her name was, slipped a piece of paper into my back pocket bringing her lips up to my ear. Office hook-ups were normal for me, if someone walked in they would not be surpised.

"Call me. We can do this again sometime." I smirked and smacked her ass as she walked away making her squeal and giggle.

I closed the door to the copy room and went back to my cubicle. The clock was ticking and I still had paperwork to do. Fuck it.

I stood up and clocked out making my way out of the double doors. I snatched my keys and ran to my car. I wanted to go home but the last thing I need is to hear Mileena complain about seeing the hickeys covering my neck.

Before I knew it the familiar apartment complex was in my sight and Mileena was smoking on the front porch, her pink hair blowing in the wind, just looking beautiful.

It's moments like these that I regret cheating on her multiple times and I have a feeling when she sees the new marks she's not staying like she's done in the past.

hologram ◊ l.h.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora