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(the picture above is your uniform)

"(YYYY/N)! Get up you'll be lat-" Your mum burst into your room thinking your lying in bed still asleep, but what she sees is quite literally the opposite. There you are sitting at your desk already dressed and studying.                                                                                                                                                         "Oh... never mind then" She smiles at you and you smile back.                                                                      "Mornin' mum." "Morning (Y/N), would you like me to drive you to school?" Your mother says cheerfully.                                                                                                                                                                                "No, tanks mum. I'll walk." You reply as you get up, grab your bag and head out. Once you're on the side walk you look over to your left and see the school just a couple houses down, you then look over to your right and see a forest. You went there yesterday and left a note on a piece of paper saying: "I know your here" and another one with the words " let me join you " on it in black ink. 

                                                                                ~start of flashback~

You look around nervously and you jump at the slightest of sounds, carrying around a dagger just encase. You stop walking when you come to a huge tree in the middle of a small clearing in the forest you believed to be home to the creepypastas. taking one last look around, you reach into the pocket of your jeans and pull out a folded up note, you then staple it into the tree. Suddenly you hear the snap of wooden twig behind you, you get out your dagger slowly and cautiously. Then you can here the fast footsteps of some one our something running away from you.  You assumed it was an animal of some sort and headed back home under the beautiful starry night sky.

                                                                                 ~end of flash back~

You started walking towards the forest, hoping that your hunch was correct and that the Slenderman would answer you. Once you got to the forest you started searching for any new notes, it was taking forever and you were just about to give up hope,but then you saw it. An A4 piece of paper stuck to a tree. Your eyes widen at the sight, were you hallucinating? Out of no where you dash over to the sheet of paper, immediately tearing  it off the tree and seeing in a messy back hand writing, two simple words; "PrOvE YOurSeLF"

( yes, yes i know this was really short with only 416 words, but i have to make it like that so the story will flow better, i promise i'll make it up to you in the next part)

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