FigHT mE

298 3 0

(Y/S/N) = younger sibling's name

and i changed the pov

"What could they mean...." I mumble to myself as I stare out the biology, classroom, window. I was already proficient in bio. because I studied it so that when I join the creepy pastas I wouldn't have to be washing the blood stains out of my clothes all the time.

"(Y/N), could you please read section 12 for us?" I look to the front of the class to see the teacher smiling at me, I do my 'perfect little girl' smile, nod and start to read. Throughout the whole day my mind was set on how, how could I prove yourself.  I can't kill my best friend, people have already tried it and it never works. I finally decide to return to the forest again tonight, but first; I have to get... A gift of sorts, for Slenderman to thank him. 

Once school finally finished I went home and asked (Y/S/N) if they wanted to come to the park. (Y/S/N) immediately obliged and we headed out, however; I had other plans. I started to walk towards the forest where I knew no one would hear me...                                          "Where are we going (Y/N)?" (Y/S/N) asked curiously. "I wanna show you a secret, but you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay?" I stop walking and kneel down to make it look important. 

(Y/S/N) nods with wonder filling there eyes. "I promise" I smile and start walking once again, with (Y/S/N) following close behind me. Once we get there (Y/S/N) is jumping with excitement.               "(Y/S/N) turn around." They happily oblige to my command and I slowly grab a drugged cloth out of your pocket and quickly raped it around (Y/S/N)'s face. As soon as you did they gasped and inhaled the toxins which succeeded in knocking them out. 

"Like taking candy from a baby..." I bend down and grab two ropes that I had in my bag, using them to tie (Y/S/N)'s arm's and legs together. As if planed, someone came into the clearing and I instantly shot up, grabbing my gun and holding it in the direction of the person. Only to see that it's the one and only Jeff the killer. "Well, well, well, what do we have here? A mere amateur thinking she can become one of us. Ha! As if." Jeff exclaims as he whipped out his 8-inch butcher's knife and stared right into my pitch black soul with that crazed look he had. Oh how I loved that look, no artist, nor cosplayer could ever capture the wild look and forever-hurting pain that came behind it.

"First things first," I grabbed (Y/S/N)'s ropes and threw them over to Jeff. "That, is for slender... As a thank you gift."  Jeff didn't even glace at the unconscious child he just lunged straight at me, i just stood and waited until he was inches away and shot him right in the foot, he fell backwards and laughed a little. 

"So if slender wants me to prove myself, then where's the challenge, hmm?" I chuckle to myself deliberately trying to get Jeff pissed off. I know that when he's angry he becomes more reckless and that makes him easier to fight, I know all of their weaknesses. Jeff Slowly and eerily lifts himself off  the ground, obviously trying to mask the pain. "Tsk, says the girl who cant even kill her gift to slender before hand" "Oh, i would be glad to rid of the little fucker... Just, like, you did." Everyone knows the way to set Jeff of is to talk about what he did to Liu, and obviously it still works because he came charging at me again. I shot once more, but this time he dodged, I then ran and front flipped over him shooting him in the back of the leg this time. However I slightly missed the landing causing me to trip, and he got a hold of me.                                                                                                                                                                                Shit. 

"Now, what was it you were saying, something about a challenge?" annoyed by he's smartass comment i imminently kneed him in the balls. He hunched over slightly loosening his grip, giving me enough room to push him off and take his knife. He was some what stunned by my moves, so i pinned him down pointing the gun at his head and the knife at his throat. "I guess this means I win?" I say sassily, before stabbing  his knife into the ground next to his head. I then get off him to look over at (Y/S/N) who has backed himself into a tree with tears and snot poring out of his face in a traumatized manner. "Don't worry (Y/S/N), it will all be over soon... Well for you at least."

 779 words! what did you think? i would really love some feedback so i can improve. Also for those who actually read my stories i'm going on a cruse on the 3rd of Jan and wont be back till the 10th so i won;t be posting in that time frame.

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