May 23, 2014 [Drifting]

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"Neither height nor depth, not anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." ~ Romans 8:39


Do you ever feel like you're drifting from God? Don't worry. It's pretty normal. I know you guys probably get tired of me saying this, but you're human. That's going to happen sometimes. It's fine as long as you find your way back. If you just pray about it, you will.

This verse has a lot of emotion in it. When I read it, it moves me. Just reading this verse makes me feel closer to God; it's powerful. It reminds me how deep my love for God goes, and how much deeper His goes for me.

No matter how far you drift from God, He hasn't moved at all. God doesn't drift away from you. He loves you, and nothing can change that. So no matter how far away you think you are, it's easy to find your way home if you trust Him, and pray.

Dear God, I know lately I've been getting out of routine. Please keep me from drifting. I want to get closer to You every day, not farther away. I love You, and I know You love me. Remind me that You will never leave my side, and that I'm never too deep to not come back. Amen.

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