Don't leave me!

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Spain POV

I woke up next to Romano.... He was in my arms. What a nice way to wake up to the sun with the person you love in your arms. I smile as is hair rustles from my breath. I notice his curl.... It's shaped differently..... It was in a heart. My smile widdens. He mumbled a bit before he turned to me and his eyes opened.
"buenos días mi amor. dormir bien?"
"Just fine." He smiled at me.
"Good." I smile back and kiss him.
He kisses back. I pull away.
"Why did you stop?"
"You want more?"
I moved on top of him pinnig him to the bed. Romano moaned under me into the kiss. Then something happened that stopped the both of us... Growling stomachs.
"I feel like I am going to die!" Spits Romano when we break.
"Oh lovi~" I chuckle and start to make breakfast clothed of corse... What you thought I was cooking naked?!? Perv!
He comes down stairs.
"You know.... I don't get why we don't go to the world meetings we are countries too!" Says Romano.
"Probably we sleep in and if we have to wake up early we will kill someone."
I chuckle... Now lovi we should-" I get a text message from Prussia. 'GET ON SKYPE NOW!!!'
I go on my computer and receive a call from my buddies.
"Well look who is peppy this morning!" Yelled Prussia.
"Oui! What makes you so happy mon ami!"
"Well... I you know." I smile wile blushing.
Prussia gasps, "no don't tell me!"
"Mon ami! This is big news! Who is the lucky one?"
"I AM!" Yelled Romano.
"New it!!!!" Prussia yelled.
"What no!" Gasps France.
"How was it?" Asked France.
"Fun~" we kissed on a porch after smoking... Almost got caught for being countries."
"Did you-" starts France.
"Yes..." I hang my head low.
"I know I know! It slipped ok! And te mafia was after Romano too."
"Your love story is like a tragic battle field!" Says Prussia.
"Yah kinda." I play with the spoon in my coffee.
"Soo..... How is Romano."
Romano sits next to me.
"I am fine thank you." He has a smile in his face which I thought no one else would see.
"Wait are you sure that is Romano? He is too .........peppy." Asks Prussia.
"Can I pull your curl?" I whisper to Romano.
"No!" He says back.
"It's fine they have seen it all ok... So of things get too heated they won't mind ok?"
We chat for a bit then I pull romano's curl.
He stiffens. He pins me to the wall behind me and starts to kiss me roughly. I flipped us around and start to grind on him making him moan.
"Sí mi amore."
"Countries watching..."
"Oh sorry." I sit down then he slaps me.
"Yep that's Romano" confirms Prussia.
"NOOO ya think?" Romano says scarcasticly.
"I like this Romano!" Says Prussia.
"He is mine!" I growl.
France, Romano, and Prussia stare at me a little scared.
"Mon ami are you ok?"
"Sí! I am fine! So why did you want to Skype me?"
"You didn't awnser your phone all night! You said that you were smoking out on the porch after you and Romano yelled at each other.... Then I tried to see if you would like to go to the club but then you never texted back!" Explained Prussia.
"Well amigos now you know what I was doing." I said with a smirk,
"Did you really..... Do him?" Asked France.
"You think I was fibbing?!?! No dead serious! We did do that!"
"OH MY GOSH!" Yelled France.
"Yah yah.... Enough about me... How are you guys doing?"
"Good" they both said.
"How about you France.... Did you get a confession from England yet?"
(I ship it! Don't hate please! I am doing face family in this soon! Please don't hate me! I don't mind usuk I just prefer FRUK)
He just smirks.
"Ok I'm out!" Romano leaves the room.
"Oh do tell!" Me and Prussia said.
"We got together for a month and we have had sex a few times..." He continues smirking.
"AND YOU DIDN'T TELL US SOONER!?!" We both yelled.
"You never asked!"
"Prussia do you have a date?" I ask him.
"Oh this nice Frau named Northern Lights is here! Remember her?"
"Yah well I got pro mission from Norway and she can stay as long as she likes! She is upstairs playing just dance with Juji."
"Juji?" Asks France.
"Juji was a snow lepird that china gave to her as a present some time ago. She can change from cat to human in a snap."
"Oh remember the last drinking night?"
"We played a prank on America! We have it for black mail!"
"For why he tires to get England?" Asks France.
I hear banging of guns in the background.
"Um guys I am going to be right back...."
"Ok? What happened?" Asked Prussia.
My face contorts to a look a panic and worry. "I heard guns, a thud, and a laugh of a phyco."
France gasps "you mean.... Either the mafia or 2p's.... I need to leave to see if Romano is ok." I grab my battle axe and leave the computer room to see Romano on the floor.
"ROMANO!!!!!!!" I yell.
"S-s-Spain...." His voice is faint.
"Sí Romano."
"I see a light."
"DON'T GO NEAR THE LIGHT! LOOK AT MY FACE!" I place my hands on his wound and press hard.
"I see your face and it's becoming more of our house..."
"I hear the ambulance come up to the driveway." I say. 'One of them called and got me one.'
They take Romano away.
'Lovi stay strong I will come to your bed side!' I drive there. I run in crying.
"Can I see a person under Lovino Vargas?"
"Are you Antonio?" Asks the lady at the front desk.
"Sí i am."
"This way."
She leads me down a hall leading to an emergency room operation area where I can see what is going on. She leaves and I watch the little screen watching his heart beat. I begins to slow down.
"NO! ROMANO!" I start to cry.
It slowly goes to a line.
"NO!!!! PLEASE NO!!! WHY!"
They bring out the little shocker things... I never really learned the names of those..... The run them together and yell
"CLEAR!" And his body jumps.

Love hurts (spamano)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora