Some Things Never Change

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Your POV

As the car we were on for the last couple of hours stopped in front of a familiar huge house, my companion hurriedly went out as if someone was waiting for him to come back home.

"Alex! C'mon! Mom baked cookies" he giggled and ran towards the house making me laugh and quickly followed him behind "Hurry"

Some Things never really change. I thought to myself. I could help but smile upon reminiscing the happy moments we used to share when we were much younger

"We're home" he sighed happily as we set foot back where it all began. We both took in our surroundings and just stared outside our home

"Yeah we are" I smiled "After 16 years"

"Let's go in?" He asked excitedly and ran off towards our house "I wanna see how it looks like"

I took a deep breath before following him behind. Fresh start y/n. This is your fresh start.

"Hurry up!" He giggles then immediately went inside the kitchen

"But I don't like sweets" I whined before dragging myself

"Alex!" I heard him call me


"You comin' baby?"

"Yeah" I smiled and walk to him. He took his hand out and offered it to me which I gladly accepted.

We walked inside the long-forgotten abode we once shared, the scent of fresh lavender

"It's clean" he said, a little bit confused "Why is it clean?"

I smiled and watch him furrow his eye brows. His eyes showing genuine confusion, his upper lip biting the bottom, his right hand touching his chin. Suddenly, I was reminded of his kid self doing the same expression. Yep! Some Things never change.

"I go here every year" I said making him look at me "Well.. not exactly in this house but here in NYC"


"Yeah. And I hired the daughter of lady across the street to make sure this place gets cleaned up at least every week"


"Yep. So what are we gonna do with this place now?" I asked him

"Well, I now live with my parents" he shrugs "You can use this until you finally finished renovating that mansion of yours"

"Not a mansión, just a house" I corrected

"A huge house then"

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes before gasping dramatically "Wait.. You're like 42 years old and you still live with under your parents' roof?"

"Hey I'm not that old! Plus, What's wrong with that?" He laughs

"Major turn off" I playfully rolled my eyes "A pretty handsome guy still living with his mom. Not a very good first impression"

"Haha I'm kidding. I live in Dublin"

"Oh. UK"

"Yep" he nods "I just came to visit"

"And your parents?"


"Wow. From Texas to Dublin" I chuckled

"Yeah but as of these days, I spend most of my time in Welshpool" He said as we both walked towards the living room to sit on the couch "Anyway, How about you? You're parents?"

"Manila" I shrugged

"And you live at?"

"On an apartment with my best friend like 4-5km away from them"

"That's nice" he said "Do you want pizza? I'll order some"

"Meat and Cheese"

"Of course" he nods before grabbing his phone to order our pizza

We continued catching up with each other until the pizza arrived. I must say, we did missed a lot of each other. I mean, 16 years is a long time.

"I want you to meet them" he said


"My parents. They'd be happy to know that I finally found you"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes" he nods "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah" I smiled "Though I'm not sure if mine would want to meet you"

"That's alright. When are you free?"

"The day after tomorrow? I'll stay here for tonight and have some friends come over tomorrow"

"YOU HAVE FRIENDS" He gasped exaggeratedly making me glare at him and hit his arms lightly "The end is near"

"Silly. I do have some friends!" I laughed "And they are the ones I'd like you to meet"

"Oh. Uhm- I can't tomorrow"


"But there's a lot of time to meet them soon" he said "Now, I'd like to stay the night and cuddle with my baby girl"

"Alright" I smiled and laid myself on the couch with my back facing him

I let out a sigh of relief and contentment as I felt his hands wrapped around me while we watch my favorite movie until I fell asleep

The next morning, I woke up with nobody lying beside me. The cold air lingering at the empty space between my back and the couch that I was laying at plus the constant ringing of my stupid phone made me realize that it's already 10am and I'm supposed to meet my friends in two hours time.

"Hey" "Sorry, I just woke up. I'm just gonna have a quick shower then I'm on my way"

"Don't rush yourself boo. We called because we're driving by your neighborhood and we think it'd be better if we just go straight to your house? What'd you think?"

"Uh- yeah sure. Just give me 10 minutes to make myself presentable"

"Alright. How about we buy some chips and drinks for our movie marathon then we'll just get takeouts for lunch at.... McDonald's? Or KFC?"


"Okay. It's settled. I'll go call my girlfriend who happens to be enjoying this neighborhood's playground" "We'll call you when we're there"

"Okay tell her I said hi by the way. Bye"

"Bye y/n"

I closed my eyes and leaned back onto the couch and took a minute of silence before getting up and going to the shower. Those girls would be here soon. I need to get myself ready asap or I'll face two angry Cubans in my house


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