Training Day

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"As soon as you lot are unpacked, follow whoever has been assigned as your first sponsor/mentor into the large training room on the first floor. From that point on it will be up to you to either make allies or enemies." The woman says as she begins leading us down a corridor at the ministry, shoving us each into rooms as she walks. Once she gets to my room, she slams the door open and roughly pushes me in. When I look up to see who my sponsor is I get the shock of my life when I see Viktor Krum standing a few feet ahead of me. "Viktor? What are you doing here?" I ask him as I get to my feet. "I was given the choice to sponsor you or the Chang girl, so I told them I wanted my trainee to have a shot in hell at winning... I was awarded you and Chang was given Percy Weasley." Viktor says as he pulls me into a hug. "Wait... Percy is a sponsor?" I ask him with a tone of disbelief in my voice. "Yes, and he was pinning to get you as his trainee. You are lucky I was given the choice I was. They almost gave you to him." I look at him with hopeful eyes and ask, "Who did Ron get?" "Weasley? He was assigned Greyback... The other two boys from your house were assigned to Bill and Fleur Weasley. Thomas got Fleur and Finnigan got Bill." I breathe a sigh of relief when I learn that at least two people from my house got good sponsors/mentors. 

"We need to head on down to the training room, You need to pick your allies carefully. I would recommend Nott, Thomas, or Finnigan. Weasley would hit too close to home for you to be allies with, and all the girls are going to be trying to kill you." Viktor says to me with a serious look on his face. "What about that Zabini boy? He was right up in the top three in our year, next to Malfoy and myself. He and I would make a hell of a team." I say to Viktor with a small smile as he hears the confidence in my voice. "Zabini is an option, but I believe he will ally with Malfoy until it comes time for only one male to remain. You need to travel with Finnigan and Thomas because they are romantically involved and if one dies the other wont allow himself to win and will be willing to die protecting you. Nott, is the closest thing you will have to family in that arena without having to risk watching Ron die. You need those three, They will promise you a win."He says to me softly as he grabs my wrist and pulls me into the training room. 

Upon looking around I realize we were in fact the last competitor/trainer team to arrive to the room. "Now that Miss. Granger has decided to grace us all with her presence, we may actually begin. You are free to use anything in this room you may deem useful to improving your skills for the games. Now is also your time to make allies, but we ask you not tell any of the other competitors outside of the ones you ally with who you allied with... It will make the games more interesting. You may begin." the woman from earlier says to us all as she pulls our trainers from the rooms to have a few words with them. All at once I see kids start to move off in directions of tables that held muggle objects that the needed to know how to use. Out of nowhere I hear a whisper in my ear, "Granger, Allies?" I turn my head and see the sea green eyes of Theodore Nott looking down at me, "You know it. We need Dean and Seamus with us though." I say to him with a smirk, "I'll take Thomas, you get Finnigan." is all Theodore says to me before casually walking over to Dean, acting interested in the muggle fishhooks Dean was studying, and casually whispering something in Deans ear. Once I see Dean turn look at me and give a hardly noticeable dip of his head, I turn and make a beeline for Seamus. 

Once both Seamus and Dean are both in, the four of us split up and begin to muck around at different stations, trying our best to not draw attention to ourselves. I over hear Cho telling another competitor that she planned to kill me herself as I was working with a muggle sword. Her statement caught the attention of several other competitors, Draco Malfoy and Blaise Zabini being two of the five that overheard her say it. Draco promptly begins laughing his arse off and shoots me a wink, while Zabini looks me over and sends me a flirtatious smirk. Theodore notices Blaises obvious attempt at flirting with me and snorts loudly while trying to shoot a muggle bow. "Can it, Nottie! I'm just trying to help make sure Granger doesn't die a virgin." Blaise exclaims with a laugh as he claps his friend across the back, "You might be a bit late for that love. I lost my virginity to the Weasley twins in fifth year... Back when we were all just figuring out how all that worked." I say with a smirk as I watch Zabini and Malfoys eyes widen. "You slept with not one, but both of the Weasley brothers?" Malfoy asks in a disbelieving tone, "On more than one occasion, and occasionally at the same time... Still shagging one of them though." I say with a laugh as I watch Zabini look at me like I had lost my mind. 

"What the hell possessed you to shag the Weasley Twins?!" Seamus asks loudly from across the room, having heard my loud responses to Zabini and Malfoy. "It was fun, I was a fifth year, and we were close enough that casual shagging wouldn't have impacted our friendship... I think Lee Jordan even got in on it a few times." Seamus looks like hes about to be red from laughing so hard when out of nowhere Dean exclaims, "Wait a bloody minuet, You are telling us that you, the Weasley Twins, and occasionally Lee bloody Jordan would sneak around Hogwarts, shag, then get back to the common room on a regular basis and none of you ever got caught?" "Pretty much. Lavender and Parvati were way better at it than the four of us combined though." I say with a laugh when Dean realizes what I mean. "Bloody hell." is all he manages to choke out between laughs as he and everyone else turn back to what they were doing. Three hours later and we are finally allowed to go back to our rooms for a few hours before individual ranking assessments are done.

 "You will be allowed your wand. I have to buy you spells to use though. I went ahead and got you some of the basics such as Aberto, Accio, Aguamenti, Alohomora, Anapeno, Aparecium, Avada Kedavra, Crucio, Confringo, Sectumsempra, Sliencio, and Stupefy. I will buy you more as the game progresses, but those are what you will need to start with. I will also be sending you a backpack as soon as you get a safe distance away from the bloodbath to come, it will have Harrys invisibility cloak, the Marauders Map, and some other supplies you might need if you sustain any injuries," Viktor tells me as he leads me roughly into my room. "I also managed to pull a few strings and someone is here to see you." Viktor finishes as he points me in the direction of my bedroom. I walk in not knowing who or what to expect, but let out a shaky sigh of relief when I am pulled into the arms of a crying Fred Weasley. "Viktor said we have two hours at the most." Fred informs me with a smile as he pulls me in tighter. "Thats great." I say with a smile as I stand on my toes to kiss him. 

An hour of sweaty bodies colliding and relentless shagging later Fred and I are both laying on my bed looking at the ceiling. "So, Who are you allying with?" Fred asks me as he tries to catch his breath. "Nott, Dean, and Seamus... Possibly Zabini." I huff out in a pant as I roll into his side to hug him. "If you get a chance, Kill Ron. I know he's my brother and all, but I don't want him to suffer at the hands of blokes like Malfoy and Goyle. If anyone kills him, make sure it's you or one of your boys." Fred says to me with his eyes closed. "I will. I promise he won't suffer if I have any say in the matter."I tell him with sadness in my voice... I just lost my best friend who was basically my brother a few weeks ago and now I might lose my other best friend, or my own life because the death eaters are bloody morons. For the rest of the hour we just lay together, me tucked into his side and him softly playing with my hair. Eventually we hear Viktor knock on the door and tell us it was time for me to get ready for my assessment and for Fred to leave. Just before he leaves he turns to me, drops down onto one knee and pulls out a ring. "Marry me?" He asks sadly as he looks up into my eyes. "Yes." is all I have time to say as he slips the ring on my finger, gives me one last goodbye kiss, and walks out the door, leaving me alone to get ready, and to admire the beautiful ring Fred gave me. Upon closer inspection, I see he gave me a family ring... One that is enchanted to not come off once it goes on as long as the two people truly love each other... Guess this thing isn't coming off for a while. 

Hermione's ring pictured below. 


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