Interviews and Ranking's

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As if I was suddenly hit by a train I remember the note Angelina slipped into my pocket and open it. Reading over it I can't help the tears that begin to pool in my eyes and run down my cheeks. Molly is trying to set him into an arranged marriage... She thinks I'll die in the games. Fred is planning on faking his own death and fleeing to Romania with Charlie until the bloody games are over. He also tells me that until further notice he believes I should put he and I in the back of my mind and play to win. His exact words are, "Do whatever it takes... Even if it means sleeping with someone to get a sponsor." Fine, if he thinks that's what I should do, It's what I'll do. I scribble a reply to him and tell him to take my younger twin sisters, Aphrodite and Athena, with him. With a nervous glance a my brother, I slip the note into Angelina's pocket as I hug her, Lee, and Ginny goodbye. As soon as the three of them an my note are safely out of sight, I let out a sigh of relief and fall back onto the couch, landing on top of my brother and Oliver. "They are going to call all of you out by rankings. Starting with the two number one's and finishing with the two number eights. Once Hermione is on stage, I will allow them to ask her a few questions, then I will take the glamour charm off of her." Viktor says to Blaise and I from the other side of the room, watching with a raised eyebrow as Oliver sneaks glances at me ever few seconds. 

Ten minuets later a large man, I assume to be a bodyguard of sorts, walks into my room and says "Zabini and Granger need to come with me. They are up first." As I stand up, I notice the looks of hope flash through Viktor and Oliver's eyes when they realize Blaise and I were the number ones. Blaise and I follow the large man to the end of the hall where he then rounds on us and tells us to pick a song to be introduced with. "Play, Hey Brother by Avicii, after both of us are introduced and a huge secret is revealed. Individually though, I want to walk out to Burn by Ellie Goulding, and Blaise wants to walk out to Fire by Gavin DeGraw." I tell the man, Not giving my brother any room to speak for himself. "Whatever you say, Mudblood." the man sneers at me, causing Blaise to clench his fist at his side. As soon as the man is out of earshot, Blaise lets out a string of swear words and glares daggers into the back of the mans head. "Calm down, He will eat his words in a few minuets. Focus on what's important at the moment... This interview could be the difference between life and death for us." I whisper to him, watching as the anger slowly fades from his face but not from his eyes. 

Before I can say anything else to my brother the wand screen in front of us lights up and begins to project the beginning of the interviews. My jaw drops in shock when I see who's going to be giving our interviews and I can't help but laugh a little. "What's so funny?" Blaise asks me quietly, not expecting me to nearly shout, "That's Marcus Flint! He's the boy who tossed himself over Draco back in first year to keep the twins from beating Malfoy black and blue." Blaise looks at the screen and nearly bursts out laughing when he remembers that day. Just as Blaise opens his mouth to say something to me, Flint says, "Now we will welcome out our first competitor of the night, also known as one of our top two competitors, Hermione Granger." Blaise gives me a rough shove as the doors in front of us open to reveal the very stage Marcus Flint was standing on. With a slight glare at my brother, I walk out onto the stage and am, to my disliking, enveloped into a hug by Flint. Once I get sat down, Flint looks back down at his paper and says, "And now, for our second best competitor, Blaise Zabini." The crowd gathered to watch us live gives off a loud cheer as my brother walks out onto the stage, then a loud gasp when they realize he doesn't have a stitch of Slytherin green on him anywhere. 

Once Blaise gets sat down by my side, Marcus starts to ask us questions. "Hermione, I see you have an engagement ring on... Would you care to tell us all who the lucky lad is?" I know I can't tell them the truth because it would put Freds life in danger, so I say the only thing I can think of. "Considering he is halfway across the world, I see no importance in discussing the matter." I tell him with fake tears shining in my eyes. "That's truly a shame. Blaise, Would you like to tell us anything about your younger sisters? Specifically if they will be attending Hogwarts next fall and possibly participating in next years games?" I look over at my brother worriedly, and await him to tell the crowd just what they need to hear... "Not at all. My younger sisters will be attending Durmstrang next fall. My twin sister and I have discussed it extensively." When he says "twin sister" every pure blood in the room is looking at him like he has lost his mind. "What twin sister?" Flint asks Blaise with raised eyebrows. Blaise shoots the crowd a smirk, points his wand at me, whispers "Finite Incantatem.", and watches as the crowd looses their bloody minds. 

I hear the opening notes to Avicii's 'Hey Brother' and stand up to allow the crowd to take a nice long look at me. "I only have one last question for the two of you, Are you in it together?" Flint asks us, and unreadable look in his eyes. Blaise and I share a look and say, "Always." at the same time. We are ushered off stage, up to sit in a booth positioned just above the top of the stage. We take our seats and await Flint to continue onto the set of two's. "Our next set of competitors will be, Dean Thomas..." When Dean steps out onto the stage the entire room goes silent at the song he has chosen, "Bleeding Out by Imagine Dragons." I whisper out in horror at Deans upfront blunt choice to rebel against Voldy. Dean looks up at the booth, points at me and then takes his seat on the couch while Flint announces who Deans equal is, "... and Draco Malfoy." Draco walks out to a shocked stadium... A muggleborn had scored slightly higher than him.  The rest of the interviews fly on pretty quickly after that. Seamus and Theodore are the three's, the second year Hufflepuff boy... James Tuckett and Lisa Turpin as fours, Gregory Goyle and Sue Li as five's, Susan Bones and Terry Boot as six's, Hannah Abbot and Elanor Branstone as sevens, and finally Cho Chang and Ronald Weasley as eights...     

As soon as everyone's interviews are over, Blaise and I are ushered back to my room by Viktor and Oliver. As soon as the doors are shut I am scooped up into a hug by Blaise. "We did bloody brilliant!" He exclaims as he sets me down and moves to hug Viktor. Things seem to be happening in slow motion as Oliver runs over to me and roughly crashes his lips down onto my own. Shocking not only myself, but Oliver as well I return his kiss just as roughly as he had given it. After what feels like minuets, Oliver and I pull apart for air and notice the wide eyes of Viktor and Blaise watching us from across the room. "Sod off." I say to my twin and sponsor, laughing the entire time. Blaise starts laughing like a mad man and has to sit down to keep from falling over. With one last look at my brother and Viktor, I pull Oliver over into my room. Oliver eyes me with wide eyes as my hands move to unzip my dress. "Are you sure about this?" He asks me quickly, trying not to look at my nude body that is now on display for him. "Would I have pulled you into this room if I wasn't sure? I'm probably going to die in the next few days... So this might be my last chance." Oliver nods his head, understanding what I mean, before he steps towards me and pushes me back into the wall, his lips clashing hungrily down into my own. The next thing either of us know his clothes are discarded on the floor in a heap next to mine and we are beginning what will surely be hours of shagging before he has to leave and I have to go to bed to prepare for the games tomorrow... I'm going to live while I'm young, Fred said whatever it takes... And I think I just earned a new sponsor. So, Tomorrow will bring what it brings.

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