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Hermione POV

After what we did with the Hufflepuffs, Theodore and I have been receiving countless sponsorship's, packages have been appearing in front of us all night and the last one was from the Weasley family. I was afraid to open it, but Theo, Seamus, and Dean thought it would be a good idea to see what it was... They opened the package an hour ago and were transported away from Blaise and I with a blinding flash of white light. We've been looking for them for the last hour... with someone tracking us. Blaise can hear them getting closer and closer to us, and it's got the both of us on edge. "Listen," Blaise starts to say something to me, but stops quickly when we hear the cannon go off twice, then pause for a minuet before firing a third time. With a shared look, Blaise and I take off running until we reach a clearing big enough for us to look up at the sky. "Oh God..." Is all I can say when I see the pictures of Theo, Seamus, then finally Cho Chang flash across the sky. "Dean. We need to find Dean." I say in a panic as I spin Blaise and I in the direction the cannon fire originated from. 

"Where do you two think you're going? I believe have a bone to pick with the Zabini twins." a bone chilling voice says from behind us... Malfoy. "We're a little busy at the moment." I grit out through my teeth as I turn to face him, Blaise following my lead. "Looking for Thomas? Yeah, I  know where he is. I passed that massacre just before I arrived here. He's south of here, cleaning up the bodies of Finnigan, and Nott... He burned Chang though. It's a shame, I'm the one who put her up to killing the three of them. She took out Nott first, used her wand for him... Finnigan was a different story though. She tied up Thomas and used her knife on Finnigan, made Thomas watch as she carved out Finnigans heart." Draco pauses, a grin spreading across his face when he sees the murderous look crossing over my face. "Unfortunately for me, Thomas got loose before she could kill him. He sphered her through her throat, he should be coming this way any moment and I hope to leave him a surprise... I think the Zabini twins heads hanging from the trees will be sufficient." 

"No way in hell, Malfoy." Blaise grits out, his eyes shining bright with a fury I've never before seen in my brother, and, judging by the look on Malfoys face... He's never seen it either. "Blaise, I'll let you have a head start if you give me your sister." Malfoy's famous smirk graces his face as he says this to Blaise, but, before Blaise gets a chance to respond, a package pops up into my hands. "What did she get?" Malfoy asks, Letting his guard down momentarily. Thinking quickly, I shine my wand light onto the small package and see the words. "From: Fred." and I know what it is. "Darkness powder." I whisper to Blaise, my voice low enough that Draco can't hear me. Just as I'm about to use it, another package pops up into my hands. "From: George." I don't even need to open it to know it's Harry's invisibility cloke. Looking up at Blaise, I pass him the package and whisper "On three." I get to two and a half before I fling the powder in Malfoys eyes, and drape the cloke over Blaise and I. 

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS." Malfoy screams, successfully alerting any other contestants in the area of our location. "Malfoy!" A rough voice I recognize to be Deans snarls out from across the clearing. "That'll be enough to keep the lesser ranks away, the two number two's fighting... That's not something anyone want's to be in the middle of." Blaise says to me as he removes the cloke from around us and leads me back into the clearing. "Dean." Blaise and I say at the same time, Blaise walking around the perimeter towards Dean on the left or Malfoy, and me walking around the right... The three of us successfully surrounding him.  "He used an Imperio on Chang... She Avada'd Nott, and then she... she cut... she cut out His Heart." I can't believe even with all the pain Dean's been through in the past hour, he's still on his feet, flames in his eyes and danger in the air around him. If not for my war status and Blaise's blood status, Dean would have been ranked a number one.  He's always had that feeling about him that he could be a threat if he felt backed into a corner... and he was backed. 

"Dean, He can't see anything. Fred sent Darkness powder." I say, watching my as my allies eyes light up. "I'm going to cut his heart from his chest. Just like he made Chang do to Seamus... Then, I'm going to burn him." Blaise and I share a look before I ask Dean a very important question. "How many kills do you have, Dean?" "Malfoy will make four. One from each house. Elanor Branstone was the first, I killed her to get my sphere... Then Ron, Chang, and Malfoy is next." Blaise responds for me, "Go ahead, we're going to find a tree to fortify." As Blaise and I are walking into the woods a little ways, I turn around a put a silencing charm on Malfoy, as well as some protection charms on Dean. "Mia, everyone watching the games right now is going to loose it. A muggle-born is favored to win right now. We started this game with sixteen competitors... Dean killed Branstone, Weasley, Chang, and Malfoys as good as gone. I took out Goyle... and we know Bones, Tuckett, Nott, and Finnigan are dead. Their are seven left... Three from Ravenclaw, You, Me, Dean, and Abbot." 

As we are setting up a camp, We hear not one, but three cannons. Sharing a look, the two of us direct our attention to the sky and see pictures of Malfoy, Li, and Turpin flash across the sky. "I'd say Dean's favor just got higher." I say with a laugh as I place cloaking spells around our camp... It's too dangerous to give our position away to anyone. "Hermione, I don't think the rebellion is coming. If worse comes to worst then, I'll be sticking my neck out for you and I. No one else." "Blaise, Once Hannah is dead... I become the female champion. Boot, Dean, and you are the only other competitors left..." My sentence is cut off by Dean entering climbing up our tree, stopping to sit on the branch just below me. "That's a lot of blood Dean." Is the first thing out of my mouth. "The Ravenclaws tried to ambush me when I was on my way back. I killed the two girls, but Boot ran off just before I could get my hands on him... 

I know where Hannah is." 

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