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I wake up and find Olivers arm wrapped around my naked waist, with a look up at the clock I see the games start in precisely three hours. "Olly, You need to get up." I say to him as I shake him awake. "What time is it?" He groans out as he rolls over to look at my muggle alarm clock, "BLAISE IS GOING TO KILL ME!" Oliver exclaims loudly as he shoots out of bed and begins frantically searching for his clothes. "Bye, Oliver." I say to him with a small laugh once he's dressed, and dashing out of my room. "Bye, Mione!" He calls over his shoulder as he slams my door closed behind him. With a shaky sigh I stand up and make my way into the large sitting room, and find yet another surprise sitting on the couch. "Lee! What are you doing here?" I question my friend as I envelope him into a hug. "You Know Who wanted me to get you ready... His exact words were, 'If she doesn't look like a pureblood princess I will have you killed by morning.'" Lee tells me quickly as he pushes me into a chair and begins to mess with my dreads. With a wave of his wand I feel my dreads fall out and my hair is laying flat against my back. 

"The dreads were good for the interviews, Not for the games. I say we do braids." Lee says as he flicks his wand at my hair and it begins to braid itself. He then moves around to the front of me and looks over my face, "Makeup won't be needed. You really don't need it and it will make you sweat up a storm." He says with a soft smile to me. "For your clothes... Well, Neville Longbottom and Luna Lovegood sent outfits for you, Blaise, Nott, Dean, and Seamus," He pauses before he leans down to whisper the rest in my ear, "They have trackers in them. Longbottom and Lovegood are planing a rescue mission. The rebellion is still strong."  My eyes widen slightly, but I can't help but feel the pang of hope in my chest at his words. "All I need to do is keep me and my boys alive... Why aren't they going for Ron?" I question softly, "He took the mark." Lee says with narrowed eyes. My mouth goes dry, and I get a bad feeling in my stomach when Lee says this, but I ignore it and tug on the outfit Luna and Neville sent me.  

"It is time to go... There have also been a few changes in plan. The Dark Lord has had some muggle forest cleaned out, a field and lake included, for the game to be held... and had a large protective ring placed around it to keep the competitors in." Viktor says as he walks in the room with Blaise and Oliver following closely behind him. "Fuck." I breathe out in a panic when reality sets in. "It's going to be okay." Blaise says to me as he pulls me in for a tight hug. "We need to get going. I've talked to some people and gotten the two of you placed on a transport truck with Thomas, Finnigan, Malfoy, Nott, Weasley, and Chang." Oliver says to Blaise and I, his cheeks blushing red when his eyes meet mine. Blaise and I quickly follow Oliver and Viktor outside and are rudely shoved into the back of a truck. "Well, If it isn't my favorite set of twins." We hear the teasing voice of Dean Thomas ask from above us as he reaches down to help me to my feet. "If it isn't my favorite set of Gryffindors." I tease back at him when Seamus comes to help Blaise up. "I don't know why the four of you are being so friendly. You're going to be trying to kill each other in about two hours." "Shut up, Chang." Malfoy growls at Cho when she makes a rude comment to Dean, Seamus, Blaise and I.

After an hour and a half the transport truck comes to a stop and the doors fling open. "You six need to follow me." Pansy Parkinson says to us, almost sadly. "Do we have a choice?" Dean asks her jokingly. "I'm afraid not, but I wish I could help." She says kindly, discreetly flashing something at me I soon recognize to be a DA coin... So I suppose she's joined the rebellion. Blaise and Dean help me from the truck, while Seamus hops out to help Pansy carry some bags. "Follow me and I will take you each to your pedestal. Once on the pedestal, you cannot move until the buzzer goes off. If you do, you will be hit with a several Crucios and other torture spells from above." She tells us as she leads us into the arena. One by one she begins to place us on pedestals, while a man I recognize to be Vincent Crabbe leads the other eight competitors to their pedestals. "Zabini, You are here." Pansy snaps at our group. "Which Zabini?" Dean asks her as he points between Blaise and I. "The list doesn't say, so I want the female Zabini here. Male Zabini, I mean Blaise, you are on the next one over." Pansy says to Blaise and I as she goes to move on with the rest of the group. Dean helps me onto my pedestal, then runs over to see if Blaise needs help.

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