The Champions and The Kiss of Death

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Hermione POV: 

"You know where Hannah is?" Blaise questions Dean, dropping himself down from his top branch onto the one Dean was sitting on. "I know where Hannah is." Dean repeats himself, this time looking up to meet my eyes. "Where?" I ask, My mind slowly processing Deans image as he speaks. To say Dean looks rough is an understatement... His usually clean face now had stubble growing in, and a long narrow cut ran the from the tip of his chin all the way up to his left eye... It probably also didn't help that he was covered in blood that I know for a fact is not his own. "She's been living in the pond, Her sponsors have been sending her a steady supply of Gilly Weed. She's not been on dry land since the Blood Bath." He informs me, before pulling his wand from his pocket and pointing it at me. "What are you doing, Thomas?" Blaise growls, drawing his own wand and pushing the tip into Deans throat. "Helping the two of you win, Once I preform this spell... I want her to kill me." He says, in the most serious voice I've ever heard Dean use. 

"What's the spell?" I ask, motioning for Blaise to lower his wand. "One I created while we were in training. Since it's not an official spell, they couldn't block it from my wand... It's Italian, which means Blaise will know what it means." As Dean is explaining, I realize what an idiot I am. I could have been using my home concocted spells this whole time. "What's the spell?" Blaise asks, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Divoratore di anime." Dean speaks clearly, his voice confident in his craftsmanship. "Devourer of Souls?" Blaise asks, clearly not getting the point of the spell. "The Kiss of Death..." I whisper to myself, seeing where Dean was coming from. "Once I cast it on you, I'll tell Blaise the counter curse so he can remove it once the other two are dead... but, You'll be able to kill anyone you wish with a single kiss." As Dean talks, I finally realize why he wants me to kill him. "You do know the controversy this will cause with Voldemort, right? A Pureblood locking lips with a Muggle Born in order to grant him mercy... I love it."

"May I cast the spell?" He asks Blaise ,who, reluctantly, agrees to let him place his enchantment on me. Dean takes a deep breath, aims his wand at my chest and whispers "Divoratore di anime." I watch in awe as a stream of black pools from the tip of his wand, a golden glow illuminating it, and slithers its way towards me. It pauses momentarily, before crashing into my chest. It feels like a brick is pressing on my lungs for ten seconds after the initial impact, before finally I'm able to breathe again. "Why are her eyes gold?" Is the first thing I hear, and to say my senses have gotten much better would be an understatement. "It's the spell, It's how you know it worked... I added that bit myself." Dean whispers more to himself than my brother and I. "What's the counter curse?" I ask, jumping slightly at the sound of my voice. It doesn't sound normal, it's much more angelic. "Maledizione contraria." Dean tells Blaise, his eyes not leaving me. "How do you wan't to do this Dean?" I ask him, a tone of sadness in my voice. Most people don't know about the bond dean and I shared at Hogwarts... I went to him when I couldn't find Harry, or Fred... He was like my brother. 

"Like this." Dean says, snapping his wand in half before cupping my face and pulling my lips to meet his. The kiss is chaste, and only lasts a moment before I feel a freezing cold substance slip past Deans lips and into my own. When I pull away, Dean falls out of the tree... a vacant look behind his usually joyful eyes. I don't realize what happened until I hear the cannon sound, and a see a picture of Dean appear in the sky. "Mia, We need to find the other two... Now. The sooner this is over the sooner we get back to our sisters." Blaise says, clearly noticing the tears pooling in my eyes as I stared at Dean. "Lets go." I say thickly, flicking my wand towards Deans body to re-position him and place Gryffindor colored roses and sunflowers around his body. "Mione, I know." Is all my brother says as he pulls me to his chest, allowing me to hide my face in the crook of his neck and cry for a few moments. 

"Lets hit it." I finally manage to find my voice and tell my brother it's time to go. It doesn't take us long at all to find Boot. "Sing." Blaise commands me, pointing to a hollowed out log. Off the top of my head I remember the lyrics to a song that I learned would be popular in the year two thousand eighteen... A song from the future. "When all is said and done, You'll believe God is a woman. And I, I feel it after midnight, a feelin' that you can't fight. My one, It lingers when we're done... You'll believe God is a woman." I don't need to get any further into the song before Terry Boot is standing in front of me, entranced by my voice. Without prompting, I lean slightly towards him and feel him eagerly tilt his lips in to meet mine... One... Two... Three... *BOOM* at the sound of the cannon I detach myself from Boots lips, and watch as he collapses to the ground. "Congratulations, Brother." I say to Blaise with a smile once he realizes he's now the male champion of the Hogwarts Games. "I won... All that's left to do is find Abbott."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2018 ⏰

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