Chapter 3

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Qrow P.O.V.

Black and I kept watch over Raven as she slept. "This is what I mean what happened." Black said. "She ran away from her home when she was 4 years old. Her mother had died back then. Her father was devastated. Every time her father came home drunk, he beat her for no apparent reason. She ran away but her father chased her. She used a speed semblance to get as far away as possible from that terrible place. When she turned 19, she found me with an injured wing, and decided to take me in. We've been partners ever since. Then you showed up." He explained.

"So she's been a loner, huh?" I said.

"Indeed." Black replied.

(A/N: Just listen to it for this part)

Raven P.O.V.

I was floating in black nothingness. I opened my eyes only to see the dark void.

'Where am I?' I thought to myself.

"In your mind." Someone answered.

I gasped , turning around quickly only turning to see nothing. "Who's there?" I asked. Suddenly there was a flashing bright light that came out of nowhere. "Step towards the light." The voice said. I cautiously walk towards it. I uncovered my eyes. I saw figure a few feet ahead of me. They turned around and what appeared to be a women with short angel white hair, beautiful ice blue eyes, and also what appeared to be wings coming out of her back.

"We meet again, Raven." The women said.

Her voice was as sweet as a flower, but she looked really familiar somehow. After looking at her more closely, it jogged in my mind of who the women was, and it certainly shocked me.

"...Mom." I whispered. She nodded. "Took you long enough." She giggled and gave a smile.

"Where am I?" I asked her.

"In your mind." She said.

"How do I get back." I asked again.

"Just wish for it." She said.

"What do you mean Mom?" I asked confused.

"Close your eyes and think about wanting to go back. But before you do that, I want to give you this." She said. She pulled out what appeared to be a rare and beautiful gemstone. As she handed it to me, it was engraved with the name, Ice.

"Who's Ice?" I asked.

"It's my name." Ice said.

"That's your name? I like it." I complimented.

"Thank you." Ice replied. "Now, it is about time you get back. One last thing, about this gemstone, it is very special. You must take good care of it." She continued.

"What's s important about it?" I asked.

"What is so important about this stone, is that it will allow me to speak to you whenever you desire to." She said.

I smiled, placing the precious stone in my pocket and did something that I have never done before in a long time...

I hugged my mother.

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