Chapter 1 - A Humble Celebrity

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Dylan walks to the set of the Death Cure from his car. He was so excited, yet it was bitter sweet. Day one of filming the last movie of the Maze Runner, a series that will be forever in his heart due to the amazing friendships he had made throughout the process. Ki Hong Lee walks over to Dylan and pats him on the back smiling.

"Hey man! Long time no see!" He greets Dylan who smiles back and gives his friend a pat to the chest.

"Hell yeah. Glad to be back." Dylan smiles as he sees the other cast members, Kaya, Thomas Brodie Sangster, and Dexter walk over to him.

"There's the superstar." Kaya says in her british accent and pulls Dylan in for a hug.

"Late as usual." Thomas Brodie Sangster (TBS) says laughing.

Dylan shakes his head laughing while greeting the others. "What's going on with you guys?"

Kaya starts laughing. "You're seriously asking about us?"

Dylan gives her a sideways look, obviously confused with her remark.

"We want to hear about you Dyl! Your career has really taken off." TBS chims in.

Dylan raises an eyebrow and shakes his head laughing a bit. "Guys seriously. It's not even that big of a deal."

Dexter raises an eyebrow. "Really? Dylan you got asked to be in Deepwater Horizon with Mark Wahlberg!"

"Not to mention American Assassin with THE freaking Michael Keaton!" Kaya shoves Dylan playfully.

Dylan shakes his head feeling his cheeks heat up. He honestly really talking about himself, as well as the extra attention. Sure, his career was taking off and he had millions of fans, but he didn't want his friends to think of him any differently.

"Yeah, yeah it's going to be pretty awesome. I'm so surprised they actually choose me." He clears his throat, indicating he wanted to talk about something. "Anyways, where's Wes? Are we doing a readthrough today?"


The rest of the day flew by. Dylan made sure that no one else talked about him like he was some kind of superstar, because he didn't want that. He just wanted to be seen as he was in the beginning of the movies, starting out like everyone else. Dylan walks back to his car with TBS behind him.

"Alright man, I'll see you tomorrow." Dylan says getting into his car. Before he could shut the door however, TBS leans against it and looks at Dylan.

"Hey. You know you don't have to be so humble around us. We all think it's pretty awesome what you're going through." He smiles, leaning his head against his arms which were resting on top of the car door. "It's okay to want something for yourself once and a while."

Dylan laughs a bit, knowing he was quoting what Stiles had once said in an episode.

"Thanks Thomas." Dylan says then reaches out for his door. "Now go get some sleep. You look like you need it."

"It's all the makeup they tried out on me for the death scene." He laughs a little and takes his arms off of the car. "That's going to be interesting."

"Yeah, but just so you know, I get your trailer when they kill you off." Dylan says, smirking at the Brit.

"Only in your dreams pretty boy." TBS smirks back at Dylan who just rolls his eyes, smiling.

"Alright I'll see you tomorrow." Dylan says closing his door to his car.


Dylan wakes up early to go get a coffee. He didn't need to get to the studio until about noon, so he knew he had some time.

He walks into the shop and waits in line looking through the menu. Suddenly, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turns around and sees three girls. They looked to be about 16 years old and they all had huge smiles on their faces.

"OMG it is him! Jess I told you!" One of the giggles and turns to her friend.

Dylan laughs a bit. "Hey, nice to meet you."

"This is so cool!" The second girl, Jess squeals.

"Could we maybe have a picture with you?" The third one asks, handing someone behind her her phone.

"Yeah of course." Dylan says and puts his arms around the three girls and smiles for a picture.

"Thank you so much!" They exclaim, after the picture is finished.

"No problem." Dylan smiles, then turns around to order his coffee.

Once he had finished ordering and received his coffee, Dylan walks over to an empty table on the far side of the coffee shop. He takes out his phone, and starts to text Tyler Posey back, when suddenly he realizes that someone had spoken to him.

He looks up and to his left and sees a girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes staring at him.

"I'm sorry what?" Dylan asks the girl, not exactly sure what she had said to him before.

"I said that that was really sweet. What you did over there." She nodded to the three girls who were sitting at a table across the room, obviously taking pictures of Dylan as he drank his coffee.

Dylan smiles and laughs a bit. "It was nothing. I'm Dy-"

"Dylan O'Brien." She giggles. "I know. You're a pretty big star."

Dylan would normally roll his eyes at this remark but he stopped himself. There was something about this girl he liked. A lot.

"And you are?" He asks.

The girl puts out her hand and Dylan shakes it. "My name is Taylor... And by the way, I am currently freaking out right now that I actually got to touch Dylan O'Brien."

Dylan shakes his head and sighs. There it was. He could never meet a girl that didn't like him just for his acting. "Yeah... Well I should get going." He stands up with his coffee.

Taylor looks up at him and shakes her head, regret apparent in her eyes. "Wait. I didn't mean to scare you off. I just think it's really freaking cool to meet someone as genuine and humble as you."

Dylan raises an eyebrow. She continues, "Not to be creepy or anything, but I've watched pretty much everything you've done. You're seriously amazing. I really don't think you realize how much of an impact you've had on everyone in your life. Because whether they've met you or not,  there's just something about you that everyone loves. Maybe it's the way you act so beautifully when you're playing a role, maybe it's the way you respond to interviewers or even your castmates on set, but you Dylan O'Brien have made an impact on so many people's lives. You just don't know it yet."

Dylan was taken aback by that speech. He bites his lip, forcing himself to sit back down again. "That... That seriously means so much to me. Thank you." Was all he could get out.

Taylor shrugs. "It's true."

Dylan looks at his coffee trying to find words to say. Suddenly, his phone buzzed. He looks down at it and it's a text from Kaya. He looks at the time, 12:30. "Shit. I'm late." He looks at Taylor and sees a pen next to her computer on her table. He grabs it then writes his number on his napkin then hands it to her. "It was nice meeting you." He says before rushing out.

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