Chapter 2 - Hot Chocolate

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She really couldn't get him out of her head. She had actually met THE Dylan O'Brien. On top of that, he had given her his number! How was that even possible? Half her life she had been obsessing over this boy and knew practically everything about him. However, she never once ever thought that she would be face to face with him.

After finishing her coffee, she gets up and walks out, ignoring the three girls who previously were gushing over Dylan, as they watched her walk out of the shop. Taylor gets into her car and starts driving to work, wondering if she should wait text him. As she pulls up to the hospital, she decides against it and to text him after her shift. Turning her phone off, she walks inside the hospital, preparing herself for another day at work.


As he gets to set, he spots Wes first.

"Wes I'm sorry bud. I just lost track of time." Dylan apologizes.

Wes laughs and shakes his head. "Don't worry about it Dyl. Just try not to make it a habit."

"I won't, I promise." Dylan says as he heads over to see what he should be doing on set that day.


Dylan gets back to his apartment completely exhausted. He hadn't done that much stunt work since the Scorch Trials, and it was taking a toll on his body. However, he told himself he would get used to it, as he did with the previous movies. He lays on the couch and turns on the TV, so there would be some noise in the background. He hated how quiet his apartment was without T-Pose. He loved that kid like a brother, and missed him dearly, although he knew that he would see him soon. Sighing, he takes out his phone and sees he has a message from an unknown number. He opens it up.

9:00 pm. Unknown: Hey! This is the girl from the Cafe this morning.

9:45 pm. Unknown: Hi! It's me again, I just can't believe I'm actually texting Dylan O'Brien... Thanks for your number.

10:00 pm. Unknown: Sorry for texting you so much, I guess you're at work or something...

Dylan laughs a bit at the messages thinking they were cute. He decides to reply.

11:25 pm. Dylan: Hey! Taylor right? Sorry this is so late. I just got back from filming.


Taylor is about to go to bed when she hears her phone buzz. She picks it up and gasps. She could feel her heart beating faster. It was him. He actually replied! She tells herself to stay cool, and replies.

11:26 pm. Taylor: Yeah! Sorry I totally forgot to mention that. My name is indeed Taylor. What are you filming?

11:30 pm. Dylan: The Death Cure, the third movie of The Maze Runner.

11:31 pm. Taylor: Oh really?? That's so cool! I love that series! You are so good in them!

11:32 pm. Dylan: Thank you, that means a lot.

Taylor mentally face palms. She knew how humble he was and she felt bad for just acting like another fan. She needed to say something meaningful. However, her thoughts were interrupted with Dylan texting her again.

11:34 pm. Dylan: So tell me a little bit about yourself.

Taylor could feel her heart skip a beat. He wanted to know about her?? Of course he does, he's literally the most genuine and kind celebrity out there, she tells herself.

11:36 pm. Taylor: Well, I work at a hospital, I'm 25 years old, I live at an apartment here in Cali, and I love to read. (I know that the Death Cure was filmed in Africa, but for purposes of this fanfiction, I'm going to say it's in Cali instead)

11:40 pm. Dylan: Wait, where do you live in Cali?

11:41 pm. Taylor: I live in LA in an apartment complex just off of Winchester.

11:42 pm. Dylan: Seriously?? What's your apartment number?

Taylor raises an eyebrow. 'Why the hell did he have to know that?'

11:45 pm. Taylor: Are you actually Dylan O'Brien or did he just give me a random stranger's number??

11:46 pm. Dylan: NO! No. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you, but I just think that we may somehow be living in the same apartment complex. My apartment number is 431.

Taylor looks at her phone, her hand shaking a bit. No way. Was she actually in the same complex as the love of her life? This couldn't be happening. She slowly grabs her key to her apartment and walks out. She climbs a flight of stairs and sees the number 431 on top of one of the doors. She walks to it and takes a deep breath before knocking. She hears someone walking around and then the lock on the door click. The door then opens to reveal the handsome Dylan O'Brien.

"H-holy shit.... This is just not happening. This has to be a dream." Taylor says pinching herself.

Dylan laughs and shakes his head. "Uh nope, pretty sure it's not." He opens the door wider. "Here, come in."

Taylor slowly walks into his apartment. It was set up the same as hers however, his was very well put together. He had everything in place, his bed looked like it hadn't been slept in, there were no clothes on the floor, and it smelled amazing.

Dylan closes the door behind her and watches as she looks around.

"Sorry it's not much. I'm only here for the moment while we're filming." He apologizes.

Taylor laughs. "Are you kidding me??" She shakes her head in awe. "This place is amazing. How do you keep it so clean?" She turns to look into his amber brown eyes.

Dylan shrugs. "I guess it's just because I'm not really around a lot." He walks to the kitchen. "Do you want something to drink? Eat? I can make some hot chocolate?" He asks.

Taylor raises an eyebrow. "Hot chocolate?? In California?"

Dylan laughs and shakes his head. "I don't know. When I was younger and I lived in New Jersey that was all I could ever drink because my parents wouldn't let me drink coffee. So, you could say I kinda got addicted."

Taylor looks at him amused. "Don't tell me that's what you got this morning." She gasps.

Dylan laughs. "No. No, that was coffee. I could never survive without it on set."

Taylor smiles at him, walking to the counter and sitting on one of the stools. "Hot chocolate sounds amazing."

Dylan smiles and turns around and starts making two mugs of hot chocolate.


This girl really was something special. She wasn't like any fan he had ever met and he felt so lucky to have met her. The rest of the night they watched movies, drank hot chocolate, and asked each other weird questions. Luckily, he didn't have to be to work until noon again the next day, so he was fine with staying up so late. Taylor suddenly looks up at him, her eyes glowing.

"I should probably head out..." She says quietly and then puts her hand on Dylan's arm. "Thank you... For the best night of my life."

Dylan smiles and walks her out of his apartment. He was way past completely exhausted, but it was worth it in his mind. He had met an amazing girl that he couldn't wait to talk to again. 

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