Chapter 7 - Tyler Posey and Cake

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Taylor helps bring Dylan home to her house. It was easier for them to stay at her house since her apartment was on the first floor. Taylor had brought some of Dylans things down to her apartment so he felt more at home. As soon as they walk into the door, Dylan sighs, relieved.

"Thank god. It feels soo good not to be in that hospital bed anymore." He looks around smiling.

Taylor helps him inside the house. "I'm sure it is, but you still need to rest. Don't push yourself."

Dylan turns and gives her a look, smiling. "Alright mom."

Taylor laughs and rolls her eyes. "You're a piece of work O'Brien."

She puts her keys down along with her phone.

"Alright sit down. Are you hungry?" She instructs him.

He nods. "You have no idea. I can't wait to not eat jello."

"Well we're still supposed to go easy. Your face isn't completely healed yet so the doctor said only soft things that don't involve a lot of chewing for the next week."

Dylan groans then sighs. "Well I guess that's better than just jello."

Taylor nods and walks to the refrigerator. She had a surprise for Dylan. She had invited Tyler Posey, his best friend, over to have some cake for Dylan's first day back. She could tell that Dylan was still a little depressed so she wanted to bring something good back into his life.

She heard a knock on the door. There he was. Right on time. She smiles.

"I'll get it!" She walks to the door and opens it.

"Hey! Nice to meet you." Tyler says and hugs her. They had only talked on the phone, not in person and she was kind of freaking out that she was meeting THE Tyler Posey.

"Hi! It's so cool to actually be meeting you." She laughs and pulls away from the hug.

"How is he?" Tyler asks, worried about his best friend.

Taylor shrugs. "He's hanging in there. Here, come in. I'll take your coat. He's in the living room." She takes his coat and walks to the closet.


"Taylor? Who is it?" Dylan calls out. He heard her go to the door and talk to someone, but he wasn't sure who it was.

All of a sudden, a tan boy runs into the room with his arms out.

"Tyler!!" Dylan yells out and almost stands, but Tyler gently pushes him back down.

"Sit. I don't want you to hurt yourself." He pulls his best friend in for a hug.

"Oh my god, it's so good to see you bro. How have you been?" Dylan asks.

Tyler laughs. "How have I been? Dude! What the hell happened? I heard you almost died." He says, his voice getting quieter as he says the last line.

Dylan shrugs. "Yeah... But I'm fine now."

Tyler looks at the bandage on his friends face. "Are those the stitches?" He asks curiously.

Dylan nods. "Yeah... Pretty gnarly right?"

Tyler smirks. "Awesome. Dude why didn't you call me? Also who's this hot chick helping you?"

Dylan rolls his eyes. "She's mine. And I met her a while back. I didn't know she worked at the hospital until I actually went there and she helped me."

"You better hit that." Tyler says smirking.

Dylan pushes his best friend and rolls his eyes. Taylor then walks into the room.

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