Chapter 4 - The Accident

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Chapter 4


Taylor gets to work the next day and she couldn't stop smiling. Last night was amazing. She actually got to kiss Dylan O'Brien. Never in a million years would she have thought that would be reality. One of her co-workers, her closest friend Amy, walks over to her with a weird look on her face.

"What?" Amy asks.

Taylor raises an eyebrow and checks into her shift. "What, what?" She looks at Amy.

"Why are you so smiley?"

Taylor giggles and looks away. "No reason..."

Amy gasps. "Omg no way! This is definitely about a boy isn't it??"

Taylor rolls her eyes and doesn't say anything, as she walks over to the counter and looks at her assignments for the day.

"Oh my god! It totally is about a boy! Who is it?" Amy thinks. "Omg don't tell me it's Shawn. He's had the hots for you since you started working here."
Taylor furrows her eyebrows. "Ew no! Are you kidding me? No. It's no one from work."

Amy bites her lip thinking. "Is it someone I know?"

Taylor shrugs. She knew that Amy knew very well about her obsession with Dylan O'Brien. Taylor had made Amy watch about everything he was in whenever she could. Although Amy wasn't as obsessed as Taylor, she still had respect for the guy.

"Yes you know him... But not like I do." She hints.

Amy looks at her weirdly. "Who the hell would it be? I don't know anyone that you know other than in this hospital."

"Think harder." Taylor pushes.

Amy laughs. "What like Dylan O'Brien or someone?" She says sarcastically without looking up.

Taylor doesn't say anything. After a few seconds, Amy's head snaps up and looks at her friend. "No freaking way is it Dylan O'Brien... Holy shit!"

Taylor blushes and nods. "It is..."

"What the fuck! You're definitely lying to me right now!" Amy pushes Taylor playfully.

"I know. I almost can't believe it myself."

"Get out! That's so fucking cool! Tell me everything!" Amy jumps up and down.


Dylan walks to set, ontime this time. Wes walks over to him.

"Hey man, how are you feeling?" Wes asks.

Dylan shrugs. "Not too bad, just sore in a few places, but the day off yesterday was helpful."

"Perfect. Because I think today we're going to do that stunt I was talking about. Come over here and we'll get you all set up with wires."

Dylan mentally groans as he follows Wes. Although he loved the guy, he loved to push him hard. Dylan walks over to get fitted for wires and he watches as Wes explains to the cast in the scene what was going to happen. Ki Hong walks over to Dylan.

"Hey man. How was your day off?" He asks, patting his shoulder.

"Pretty damn good, what about you?"

"Awesome. Thomas and I went to get some water guns for tomorrow. We're getting more today, wanna come?"

"Hell yeah I do!" Dylan says laughing as the stunt coordinator attached some of the wires to his shirt.

"Sweet! This time were going to beat Dex's ass." Ki Hong smirks.

"Sounds good." Dylan says as the stunt coordinator finishes with his wires. However, one of them felt a little loose. "Hey can you check this one again?" Dylan asks.

"Yeah of course." The stunt coordinator says and rechecks the wire. "It's fine."

Dylan nods a bit. "Alright. Thank you."

Wes yells over to Dylan, "Dyl? You ready?"

"Yeah! I'll be there in a sec." He yells back.

Dylan walks over to where Wes was standing and Wes tells him what he was going to do. Dylan nods and gets up on the car, getting in position. The plan was to be up on the car, say a line and then jump into the back of the moving train car. Everything was supposed to be fine. However, some things just don't go as planned.


Dylan yells his line before getting on top of the moving car. Suddenly, the impact hit. Dylan knew he was supposed to safely jump off, but he felt some of the wires hitch. There was something wrong and he felt it. He couldn't stop himself from falling and neither could the wires. He was launched from the top of the car and onto the ground. All he could feel was pain radiating all through his face. Before he blacked out, he could see all of his cast mates running toward him, yelling his name. Then it went black. 

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