Chapter 5 - Unpleasant Interrogations

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The next few hours were pretty boring. Nothing big really happened, although Taylor was glad  to have Amy by her side so she could share all of her Dylan stories with her.

Currently she was sitting at lunch with Amy and a few of her other co-workers. It was almost 3:00 pm and she would have to clock out soon.

"Hey I'm going to go to the bathroom." Amy says walking to the bathroom.

Taylor nods and continues talking and eating with her co-workers. Her and Amy had been the youngest ones working there for awhile, but they enjoyed it. Being the youngest could either be good or bad at work. However, both her and Amy were really smart and brought some great charisma to the hospital.

Suddenly, Amy literally comes running into the cafeteria.

"Taylor! Taylor you're going to want to see this!" Amy yells, her face obviously showing that she was upset.

Taylor quickly gets up and runs with her friend outside of the cafeteria. She could hear yelling throughout the hospital. Someone was being brought in in a gurney. The doctors were all taking, trying to keep the boy on the gurney alive. Whoever he was, he looked really banged up. He had bruises all over his body, especially his face where there was a giant black eye as well as puncture wounds where it looked like the bones had broken the skin. The doctors had an oxygen mask over the boys face so it was hard to tell what the boy looked like. However, Taylor quickly figured it out when she saw Thomas Brodie Sangster, Ki Hong Lee, and Wes Ball rush in after the boy. Taylor felt her heart speed up. It was Dylan. Something had happened.

"O-oh my god..." She says under her breath. She could feel Amy place her hands on her shoulders, comforting her.

Taylor runs over to where the cast was standing, and stands in front of them so they can't go through. "I'm sorry but you're just going to have to wait here. They are going to do their best to get him healthy again."

Thomas Brodie Sangster looks at Taylor. "Please... Please tell me he's going to be alright."

Taylor sighs. "I-I uh don't know yet... But we'll let you know as soon as I get more details. I'm sorry."

"Oh god..." Wes Ball says, sitting down on one of the chairs and putting his head in his hands.

Taylor felt bad. Whatever had happened, Wes obviously blames himself for Dylan's accident. Ki Hong bites his lip. "I'm going to call his parents."

Thomas nods at him. "Yeah that's probably best."

Taylor walks over to Amy who was in the corner watching.

"This is crazy... He can't die..." Taylor says softly.

Amy hugs her. "He's not going to. Don't worry. We'll do something okay?"

Taylor nods a bit and sighs looking at the others. They all had a look of worry written all over their faces, Ki Hong was explaining to the O'Briens what had happened. Taylor could tell by his face that they were just as worried and confused as everyone else.

Taylor sighs and leans back, knowing she couldn't do anything while Dylan was in surgery. All there was to do was wait and pray for the best.


A few hours later, as they always have to do, the hospital had to ask a couple questions to the family and friends who had witnessed the accident. Taylor had volunteered to do it.

She sits down in front of the cast. She wanted to know so badly what had happened and how Dylan got put into this situation.

"Okay, so as protocol, I just have to ask you a couple questions about the accident." Taylor tells them, speaking softly.

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