Gonna Move!

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A/N ~ hn- hope y'all like the first chapter of my first story- ;V;

(Y/N)= Your Name

(F/F)= Favorite Food

(F/C) Favorite Color


The girl sighed as she laid in her bedroom, scrolling through her laptop. Sketches of a peculiar and unorthodox creature were scattered in front of her. She let out a huff. It looked as if she was scrolling through websites.

"Pfft. Why would there be a town like that?" She said aloud to herself, chuckling, But on the inside, she was torn apart. She really hoped that she would have found a weird, small town. She would've probably fit in.

"(Y/N)! Dinner's ready!" The girl's mom yelled from downstairs. (Y/N) Then sprung off her bed in sudden joy, sprinting down the stairs. She let out large huffs of breaths as she sat at the kitchen table, smiling widely, as she looked nearly insane. Her mother smiled back, as if the large beam of joy radiating off of (Y/N) was contagious.

Her mother then chuckled. "Boy, you sure are in a rush to eat, aren't you?" She said, preparing the plates of the delicious (F/F). The scent wafting off of the food was enough to make (Y/N)'s mouth water with hunger.

Then the plates were finally set out on the table. Only two. You never really had a father (If ya do, ThEn I'M SoRrY-), but that thought was pushed into the back of your mind. The girl licked her lips as she began to eat, slaking her hunger.

The plate was cleaned in mere seconds, as her mother just looked at her, her expression saying 'what the fuck, child'. She hadn't even eaten a single bite yet. "U-uhm... You must've been hungry!" She laughed nervously as she started to eat. "Yep! But I've got to go, bye!" You said hurriedly, sprinting up the stairs once again. You were in a rush to go onto your laptop.

The girl's mother just shook her head, smiled and chuckled. She then picked up the plate of food, going into the living room with it. Meanwhile, (Y/N) was scrolling through websites like a maniac, still determined to find a website that at least showed a peculiar town.

She then suddenly heard the TV on from downstairs. 'Meh. Just mom.' The girl thought, then went back to scrolling through the websites. Then she found one. The perfect description of a place that she would go to.

The town was named Kelton.

(Y/N) smiled widely and let out a happy scream, laughing joyously. Finally! She had found one! But right then and there, she heard footsteps coming up the stairs in a rush. Then her bedroom door suddenly flung open, revealing her mother. She had a worried, and frightened expression on. "Are you okay?! I heard a scream!" The mother said, clearly out of breath.

"Yes, I'm fine, Mom. I just found a place where I could move to!" She said happily, literally beaming with joy. Her mother sighed in relief. "Well... how about you move today? Good to get to live by yourself!" She said happily. (Y/N) then squealed, hugging her mother tightly. "Thnak you, thank you, thank you!" She said, laughing.

~Time Skippy brought to you by: Who's been drawing dicks?~

(Y/N) had just gotten finished packing the loads of boxes. She let out a huff and wiped the sweat off of her forehead, smiling at what she accomplished. It looked like she was ready to start moving!

Her mother was crying tears of joy as she hugged (Y/N) tightly, nearly squeezing her. "Oh, I'm so proud of you!" She squealed. "Mom...Need...aIR-" (Y/N) gasped. The mother then let go of her daughter, as she breathed heavily. "I'm sorry, but I'm just so proud!" She said, chuckling. (Y/N) just nodded. "I know, I know. I'll miss ya. I'll try to visit!" You said, hugging your mother softly.

She hugged back, not squeezing you to death this time. "Stay safe..." She said, sighing. "I will!" (Y/N) replied happily, going inside the car. "Bye!" You yelled, waving your hand out the window to your mother.

She sniffled as she waved back, watching the (F/C) car ride into the distance.


N/A ~ So, in a couple chapters, I need to know what YOU people would like the monster-self of you to be. Be descriptive about the details, because I'm drawing this!


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