Spec why-

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You were awoken from your nap to a crashing sound. You jolted awake, falling face first onto the floor. You quickly tried scrambling up to your feet, but only ended up falling on your rear. You noticed you still had the dress on, as you groaned in annoyance. You slowly got up this time, being sure not to slip because of your dress. You caught sight of a quick flash of blue in the kitchen.

You growled in annoyance. Not only someone broke into your house, but they awoke you from your nap. You growled as you tip-toed over to the kitchen, and that's when you saw a familiar TV head standing over a broken vase.

"Spec, what the fuck?!" You yelled, stomping over to him. He glanced at you in surprise, flashing a cowardly grin. " Uhm, uh... I can explain! " He said chuckling nervously. You just shook your head.

"Y'know what? You get you stay in this house for thirty minutes, as punishment for breaking into my fuckin' house." You said, locking the door as you crossed your arms.

this was going to be a long thirty minutes...

~time skippy skip~

Ten minutes had passed as you both were watching television, not really talking at all. You noticed that he didn't know what spongebob was, so you just put that on for him. He didn't seem interested.

You were facing Spec as you were sitting down, leaning on the armchair as you were playing on your phone. Spec then glanced at you, smirking. He grabbed your waist softly as you stopped doing whatever you where doing on your phone, blushing intensely.

He brought his light blue screen up to your face, chuckling softly. You shook a bit under his grasp. "Honey, no need to be afraid~" He purred (insert lenny face).

all that you could think of was 'nope', as you pushed Spec off of you. "Okaythirtyminutesisupbye-" You said a bit rushed, pushing Spec out of your house. Your eyes were still wide as you laid on the couch. You smiled a bit, chuckling.

Spec's eyes were also wide as he walked a few steps away from your house, glancing at it. He blushed slightly, feeling accomplished. He hadn't kissed her, but at least he got her flustered. He wouldn't tell this to the others, though.

A\N ~ this chapter is so b a d- but hopefully this makes up for how long I've been gone. Also, sorry that it's so short. I have no inspiration. I was thinking of adding the storyline into this but I'm not so sure-
should I?

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