Chapter Four: Part Four

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Ok I'm gonna try to make this the last part so you guys can meet my wonderful daughter. Anyways back to the story.
So night I told my mom that I was gonna go to the store with the new kid and his parents to get school supplies since his stepdad wanted him to go to school tomorrow and this is what she said.
"Mami, why."
"I don't know them they might be drug dealers, thief's, anything is the category criminals."
"Ma, Im just trying to do a good deed."
"My answer is still no."
"Ma, I know your scared but that's why I will call you if anything happens."
"Ugh, I guess, but if I feel something wrong Im on my way there. By the way which store are you going to?"
"Um, I think Staples or Target."
"Hmm, okay well like I said I'll be there, be safe on the roads baby."
"Yeah, I will."
When I got in the car I texted him, Emilio, his name is E in my phone.
So I texted E this,
You: My mom said I could go
You: Well she said I could go to the store to help you look for school supplies
C'mon I mean Im 18 do I really need to ask
E: What you shouldn't have done that
E: I don't want you getting in trouble because of me, you don't have to come Nova
You: But I want to come. I mean c'mon Im 18 do I really need to ask
E: Whatever u say Im already here
You: Okay I'll be there
So as I was driving to the skatepark, I kinda felt like someone was following me, but I probably just nervous.
I get there and I see Emilio just sitting on the bench, just sitting there not smiling, laughing, being funny just sitting there.
"What's wrong Bro." Relax I was just trying to make him laugh.
He laughed "Bro?" It worked.
"So I am funny?" I asked
"Or just cheesy."
"Cheesy. I am not cheesy."
So at the skatepark we talked and laughed, but then the laughing just subtracted from the equation, he told me about his life and why he did the horrible things he did, to help and provide for him and his mom, and about how his mom thinks boyfriends will help, and about how his dad vanished. Then my mom popped up and yelled,
"I knew you were lying."
"Oh my god, Mami." I said
"Thats your mom?" Emilio asked.
My mom came closer and said, "Why didn't you just ask baby?" she asked
"Ask, because you would never-"
"Let you sneak out to see you boyfriend, you absolutely right, whats wrong with you do you know what time it is."
"Excuse me ma'am-'' E said
"Not right now."
"No right now." I said
Then me and E said
"We aren't dating."
"Oh, oh, Im so sorry," she apologized
"So what are you doing out here with him?" she asked
"Just cheering a friend up." I answered
"Oh, Im sorry. We can talk when you get home, and be there in less than fifteen minutes, bye."
"Okay, talk later bye."
After mom got in the car an pulled away Emilio said this
"Wow what?" I asked
"You guys have a great relationship."
We hugged.
"Let me give you a ride home."
"I would say no but I really don't want to walk home."
"Okay." I laughed
And so I gave him a ride home
And Days.
They all passed we'd been hanging out mostly at my house once at his didn't go well. Long story short at my moms birthday party he asked me out and I said yes.
Now lets zoom to graduation day were we did something and yes I mean something something. That didn't go well because I got pregnant and of course E didn't take it well he tried to avoiding me in public and he either blocked me or ignored my texts. I never really tried to contact him after that. Now im living a wonderful life with Nora, that's until Nora starts wondering about him and of course Im not gonna be that mother that keeps her father from her baby, or will-I will not.

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