The day that shaped my life (flashback/dream chapter)

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Megan's POV:

Today, I am marrying Takao, the love of my life. It feels different because the last time we got "married," it was only for show for Takao's sick grandmother. But today we get married for real.

Takao is currently at his parents' house while I'm at mine and Takao's house with Takao's mum, grandmother and my mum. My wedding dress that Takao's mum and grandmother designed specially for me is hanging up at the back of mine and Takao's bedroom door. While waiting for the hair and makeup people, I'm drinking Takao's special juice that he left me before he had to go. Takao is the sweetest man ever!

After drinking my husband-to-be's juice, I go to my bedroom to put my wedding dress on. The dress was white with light brownish adorable patterns at the top bit and also on the skirt bit. The straps was just going off my shoulders and was a little bit fiddly. I come to the living room and my mum, Takao's mum and grandmother gasped. " Megan, you look so beautiful and so grown up." My mum says with tears in her eyes. "Thank you" I whispered trying not to cry. After the emotional moment, the hair and make-up people arrived to start doing the hair and make-up.

15-20 minutes later, the hair and make-up people done my mum, Takao's mum, grandmother and my makeup and styled all of our hair. They say bye to us and wished me good luck on my wedding ceremony. 5 minutes later, the carriage arrived to pick me, my mum, Takao's mum and grandmother up. As we got near to the church, I suddenly feel nervous. My mum told me that everything is going to be fine and that she knows that Takao wants to marry me so bad. Once we arrived at the church, the victor gave me some information about how the ceremony is going to work and also informed me that Takao knows about this as well.

I meet up with my father outside the room that me and Takao are going to marry in ." You look so beautiful" my dad says while tearing up. "Thanks, dad" I say while smiling softly at him. Right on cue, I can hear the church organ playing. "Ready?" my dad asks me while holding his arm out in front of me waiting to be taken with my own. "Yes." I replied.

While the church organ was playing, I walk along with my dad through the isle slowly while everyone was staring at me, excited for my new life with the man I love. At the end of the isle stood Takao, the man I love and desire to spend life with. Once me and my dad reach the end of the isle, Takao bows to my dad while my dad nods his head giving us his blessing to be married to each other.

Takao holds out his arm and I take it with my own arm. We slowly walk towards the priest and the song played by the organ ends. The priest welcomes the guests to our wedding and does what he normally does to other couples when they get married. Takao says his vowels to me and if I'm honest, it moved me so much. I say my vowels and can see tears forming in the corners of his eyes. After the vowels, we exchange rings and say our I dos. "I can now announce you husband and wife. You can now kiss your bride." The priest announced. Takao slowly lifts up my vail and presses his lips to mine softly. It was a sweet kiss we shared. I'm... finally married to this wonderful man.    

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