Parents meeting the twins

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Takao's POV:

Today, my parents and Megan's parents are coming to our house to meet Haru and Airi for the first time. While I am making breakfast, Megan is getting the twins dressed and feeds them. I place the breakfast on the table and get Megan. Megan goes to the table and I put them on their crib which is in the living room. Me and Megan eat our breakfast and take in turns to get dressed so that we make sure the kids are safe.

Megan's POV:

When I come back from getting dressed, Takao stands up and walks to me. I feel a pair of arms around me and realise that Takao is hugging me. "You look so beautiful." He whispers in my ear. He kisses my neck gently. One thing lead to another and the sound of knocking on the door filled my ears.

Takao's POV:

Me and Megan was kissing/ making out when suddenly, we hear the door knocking. I quickly inhale and exhale to calm myself down. I open and get greeted by my parents and Megan's parents. I greet them and let them in our home. Our parents surround Haru and Airi, looking at them in awe. My parents hold the twins first. After my mum and dad held the twins Megan's mum and dad had a go at doing it. Not long after, we said bye to our parents.

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