Chapter Six

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I had finally moved all my boxes into the master bedroom and lay out some of my blankets on the uncovered mattress.

As I lay on the many fuzzy blankets on my new bed so many thoughts ran through my head.

Would Ethan be able to love me for who I am?

Would I be able to fall in love with Ethan?

My eyes began to slowly close and I let sleep take me.
Morning came quicker than I wanted but I was greeted by an amazing smell.
I opened my eyes and smelled eggs, bacon, and pancakes.

Quickly making my way to my shirt boxes I selected a dark red long sleeve v-neck that showed some of my lower back and light jeans with white converse.
After throwing my light brown hair up into a messy bun I made my way to the kitchen and found Ethan standing by the stove flipping pancakes.

"Morning," I spoke up.

Ethan turned around and smiled, "morning."

"Smells amazing," my stomach growled.

"Thanks, do you have any food allergies?" He asked as he fixed up two plates.

"Nope, you?" I asked knowing I would be making meals at some point.

"None," he set both plates on the kitchen table along with a fork and a syrup bottle and some butter.

Ethan smiled and sat down next to me.

As we ate I decided to strike up a conversation.

"So do you have any good friends our age?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said, "Caleb Timber and Josh Beckett."

"I met the girl Caleb got partnered up with last night, Elizabeth Brooks," I took another bite of pancake.

Ethan nodded and we continued to eat.

"How about you? Any friends our age?"

I froze. Matthew was our age, he's gone. For a second I felt like not telling him about Matthew but I didn't want to start off a relationship by hiding things.

"I used to, his name was Matthew," I spoke slowly.

"Was?" Ethan looked up from his meal and looked into my eyes.

"He died... in a car crash. If it weren't for him I probably would be dead," I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and ran outside to the backyard.

Tears streamed down my face. I wish Matthew had lived and I had died, he deserved a good life and a girl who would love him unconditionally.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and pull me closer to the person.

"I'm sorry I asked," Ethan spoke softly.

I sniffled, "it's ok... can you just promise me one thing?"

Ethan turned me around so I faced him and answered, "Of course."

"Don't leave me."

"You have my word."

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