Chapter Ten

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Yesterday went by like a flash and now I found myself getting ready for Matthew's funeral.

"Which one?" Ethan entered our bathroom that was currently just mine, and held up a black tux and a grey tux.

"Black," I chose, then continued applying my mascara.

He nodded and left the room to go change. Once I finished my makeup I took my dress off the hanger and slipped it on, careful not to mess up my makeup.
Looking in the mirror I took in my appearance. My black dress fit snugly around all my curves and made me feel stunning. I knew that I probably shouldn't try and look super fancy since it was a funeral but I wasn't concerned with that.
I wanted to look confident. Matthew wouldn't want people to be depressed.

"Wow..." Ethan said from the doorway, "you look gorgeous."

My face heated up.

"You don't look too bad yourself," I grinned.

Ethan chuckled, "you almost ready? Don't want to be late."

I took one last glance into the mirror, grabbed my small, white handbag, and followed Ethan out to the car.
Once we began driving, memories of Matthew and I began playing in my mind.

One time he pushed me down a slide and I scrapped my leg. He immediately rushed over to me and used his shirt to dry up some of the blood.
Another time his parents and my grandma set up a surprise party for me when I was in fifth grade. Matthew spilled red punch all over himself and his tan face turned as red as the punch.

I couldn't believe he had to die during that crash. Why couldn't it have been me instead?

"We're here." Ethan said as he parked the car. "You ready?"

I nodded my head and took a deep breath.


Ethan held my hand as we approached the coffin that held my deceased best friend.
I looked inside the coffin and almost broke down in tears. Matthew's face was pale and emotionless. His lips weren't the chapped red I knew them to be. And his beautiful, brown eyes were shut tight, never to open again.

"You alright Sophie?" Ethan asked as he placed a hand on my upper back.

"I'm fine." I croaked out.

Leaning down I placed a soft kiss on Matthew's forehead and whispered so quietly I knew no one would hear me.
"I loved you too Matthew. Just maybe not in the way you loved me..."

Once I stood back up Ethan and I were beckoned over to the front row where my grandma and Mr. and Mrs. Smith were sitting. Next to Matthew's parents sat his four year old sister, Belle. Her eyes were puffy and red and her dark brown hair was shorter than I remembered it.

I stood up and walked over to her.

"Hey Belle." I spoke quietly.

She lifted her head and allowed a small smile to form on her face.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Ok I guess." She responded in a cracky voice.

I sat beside her and wrapped my arms around her small body.

"I'm here for you Belle." I reassured the young girl.

She sniffled and gently pushed my arms off of her. I took it as my que to leave and made my way back to Ethan.

"Her beautiful. You doing alright?" Ethan asked.

"Yeah I suppose." I said in a monotone voice.

Ethan held my hand in his as a pastor began to speak about Matthew and his life. When it came time for people to come up and share stories about their experiences with Matthew I gathered all the courage I could and walked up in front of everyone.

I felt hundreds of eyes on me, but I wasn't nervous. Closing my eyes I took and deep breath and began to speak.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2018 ⏰

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