Chapter One: A Christmas Ball (part 1)

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Genevieve sat perched on a window seat, staring at the shimmering stars and the bright full moon. She was in awe of the musical silence that always seemed to come whenever the earth was covered in pure white snow. Waves of shivers overcame her as the window continued to turn frostier and her breaths swirled and moved in a dance all their own.

Piercing shrieks jolted her back into the small dormitory that she shared with three other girls. The door creaked open softly to a frazzled face peeking in from the hallway. The woman's face relaxed a bit when they met Vi's concerned green eyes.

"Miss Genevieve, the other housemaids and I could really use your help. Some of the young ladies are being...uncooperative with us. Do you mind?"

"I would be happy to help," said Vi, her voice a soft clear bell. She smoothed the skirts of her emerald green dress. "Do I look alright?"

"You look beautiful, but I think I can make your hair look better."

"I thought my hair looked alright," she replied as she touched the almost white, blonde bun on the top of her head.

"Your hair looks fine, it's just with this being a chance for you to be seen by London's eligible young men, you should show off all of your best features," the maid replied.

Vi blushed. "Do you really think a young man would take notice of me? I haven't ventured outside of the school's gates since I was seven," she asked, twirling a loose curl with her finger.

"Of course I do. You are the prettiest girl in the school as well as the kindest."

"I think there are other girls here who are much prettier than I am."

More screams echoed in the hallway.

"You are far too humble, but we don't have time to continue this discussion. The guests will be here in an hour and there are still those who haven't even selected their dresses for this ball. Please hurry."

Vi followed the maid toward the source of the screams.

"Vi, thank goodness you're here!" replied Sara. Her dark hair bobbed up and down and she ran over to Vi. "The twins have been arguing, as usual on everything from their dress selection to choice of hair styles. They are eager to outdo each other on who can snag the best suitor. Their words, not mine."

She shook her head. "Will they ever learn that inner character is greater than outwardly beauty alone? As two of the older girls in this school, they should learn to be better examples to the younger students. Let me help with Margaret while you help with Matilda."

Once they had helped the twins get ready and reduced the loud bickering to soft squabbles, Sara and Vi helped the maids with the other students. When the girls returned to their shared room, the two of them sat down as the maids quickly fixed their hair and makeup.

"Are you excited to see your parents?" asked Vi.

"Oh yes! They haven't been able to come visit since last Christmas. I'm also quite excited to see the young men from London's boarding school for young gentlemen again. Most of London's most wealthy young men are attending there. What about you? What are you the most excited about?"

"I suppose I'm most excited about seeing my grandfather since he is the only family I have left."

Sara's reflection became upset, her blue eyes becoming blurred. "I'm so sorry Vi. I didn't think--"

"It's quite alright. You were just asking me a simple question."

The grandfather clock chimed loudly from downstairs.

"Miss Sara, we are done with your hair and makeup. Go meet the other girls downstairs. Miss Genevieve will be down shortly," said one of the maids.

"Shall I wait for you Vi? I can't let your kindness be the cause for your tardiness."

"No, thank you Sara. I won't be long."

She barely reached the bottom of the main staircase when the seventh and final chime rang throughout the foyer and the wooden doors opened.

Word count: 683

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