She Was Right

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(ok so imma put this out there that this chapter does have some blood and gore. i do not know how to change the maturity settings for the story so i will jsut put in a warning now and just before it gets graphic. if anyones knows how to change the setting so you have to be older to read it please let me know)

i rode into themorning on Miss Lacy and Lavander on on my father as a wolf and i stopped jsut beyond the forest line and tied the donket to a tree and  walked into the large city with Aeon holding my hand to lead me. it was so facinating! there were many bustling buisnesses and many people going around in what i guess were fancy cloths for my time. the women had on long skirts but with high slits on the sides and many jsut had thier long hair to cover thier chest. but those without longer hair had on only half a shirt on without the sleeves and collars. i looked to lavander to ask but she shook her head and said " they are all.. tarts.. i hope Jack gets them." i looked even more confused but shruged and went with them into the cidical. it was a very big large place with people running all aroundon different floors made out of stone with books everywhere. there were many scholars and i shook my hand away from father and went to go ask for some help. they took me to the geneology books and started looking for me. " you know you wont be in human books victrix. your an elf, not a dirty human like many of these.." said Aeon looking a bit mad. i frowned and looked at him and gulped." daddy.. was there a rebellion with humans? every other being seems to hate them.." i asked. he looked confused but nodded as the scholar was still looking for me " well.. as you know there was a pure god for everything and a pure goddess to match him. they were equal in power and everything elce, thier roles were  a bit different tho but still roughly the same you know. well obviously there was a human god and goddess and they had all the humans. well the curse of humans is that they are selfish by nature. well not all are now but in the begining most were. and so they started taking all the food the others worked to have and share and  there was a very big war.. now this was called the All's War. and sadly humans for a very long time ruled over all of us making us thier servents and play things.. well there was a Non-Humans Rebellion which put them back on bottom.. and the year you were born was the year the Rebellion finaly ended.. and now most humans are poor nd dont have much of a life any more. some do tho, always remeber this tho.  all of a species is not the same. but after humans were put on bottom there was now a big need to have someone to keep them in check and as a result the elves  were elected rulers and now rule over most lands and territories.. and you are third tier goddess on both my side and your mothers.. i cannot tell you who she is just yet.. she want to tell you that her self at the right time.." he said. lavander had been listening carefuly and finaly the scholar said " im sorry miss but you are not in here.." that proved it then. my parents were not my real parents. i looked to lavander and asked " i guess your really my family.. tho why had you never come for me before?" she sighed and said " we dident know where you went since you and your sisters were kiddnapped by Corax.. or Lucy-Bella as you may know her.. and your father found you by the river and took you back to us.. but we cant keep you  with us for long or be out with you for long except for the holy day of the week.. your mother atleast made that happen so long ago so atleast today we can have you without Corvax finding us and trying to kill us.." my eyes widend and sighed and asked " well once i go back to get my stuff.. where should i go? and before you ask i dont want to stay with them.." they seemed srupised but they told me to go to the king and queen they also said they would take me there. i nodded and soon i was back on my donkey and was riding home with them. they stopped a few hundred yards from my home not wanting to get caught but they wsaid they would wait for me there. i rode on and put Miss Lacy back into the stables. i noticed that there was a sick smell in the ir near the stables. 

(it gets graphic right here. dont say i dident warm you)

i looked around in back of it and nearly screamed. the bull and cow we had was there dead and half chewed up and cut up.  this feels like a bad omen. i still went inside quietly and found that it was very quiet. the smell onyl seemed to get stronger here tho.. i gaged and went to my parents room and found the door opened a little. i looked inside and gasped and felt faint. inside was my mother tied to the bed dead with her gut spilling out as if she had been sliced open. i backed up until my back hit the wall. i breathed hard, i had to get my stuff out quickly and get out. i quickly and quietly went to my door and found it open a little to. where was my father at tho? mabye he had gone to the garden a few miles away... i opend my door and went inside. immedently it slammed behind me and i felt hands wrap around me.  a hand covered my mouth and i saw it was my fathers hand. he quickly grabbed some rope he had hidden benieth my bed and tied me to it. i screamed and started crying and trying to get away." why are you doing this?!" i screamed at him. " youve found out to much. you are my to me daughter. but i know you were going to try and leave when you found out you werent. if i cant have you no one will!" he said pulling out a knife. it already had my mothers blood on it and he touched the tip of it to my forhead and quickly slashed across my eye with it. i screamed but soon the pain turned to angry. white. hot. unmanagable anger. i let out some sort of sound that was a howl mixed with another that sounded like a war scream. i coudl feel the rage in me wake up like a fiery hot ancent power. i soon felt the room and my body grow hot and soon my father screamed as falmes erupted over my body which quickly spred all around the room keeping him trapped in here. i burned the ropes holding me and laughed as the flesh of him was soon turned to black and his screams died away. but it was getting to hot and the flames to high, i tried to stop them but they only got higher and soon i started screaming feeling out of control of it. my emotions were going all over until the heat was so hot it shattered the glass giving the room new oxygen. " get out!" i heard from the window. i looked over and saw the slight outline of a girl a few years older than me floating in the window. she beckoned me to go through the window. i couldent tho. the flames had me rooted in place and soon even the blood from my eye was starting to boil on my face. soon the pain came again and this time came the cold icy tears. i cried and cried and soon it was like a river coming from my eyes putting out the flames. i stood in my former room that was now burnt. everything was except for a piece of the wall near my closet. i went over to it now being able to walk and took part of my old desk chair and broke it open. inside the wall were three skeletons two were holding objects and one was not. they each were different sizes and all were taller than me. the skeletons seemed to come alive holding out the objects to me. one was a mirror in a golden holder and the other was something round wrapped in cloth. i reached out to take them both but suddnely the floor under me broke sending me down. i screamed but was caught by the middle skeleton who was holding nothing and it pulled me up. they gave e the objects quickly and as soon as they did they turned to ashes in thier places. i dident know what jsut happend but i quickly got out of the house and ran to the stables and quickly hopped onto my donke and got the heck out of dodge,  and went to my actual family still hidden where i left them.

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