New Friends New Responsibilities

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 i rode till i got back to Aeon who had started to smile but suddnely frowned seeing me. i guess i must have had some char on me and also the strange objects i was carrying. i was starting to feel dizzy from all the smoke i inhaled during that as the world started to spin. my vision got blurry as i started to lean to far to my right and as i fell off i blacked out hearing my grandmother scream my name. i opened my eyes and looked around. i was back in that damned cavern. this time tho there was no light at all except from the chains holding me to the throne and burning into my skin. i screamed from the heat as it reminded me of what i did to my fake parents. i stopped screaming as i heard something come from the darkness, it got right infront of me but i coudlent see what or who it was. tho i had a pretty good bet on who it was. the foul smell coming from her always made me wonder why she was called the Angel of Light. more like the Angel of the Swamp. i laughed out loud a little and suddnely the brazzers besdie me light on thier own with an intence white flame. i turned my head awake until my eyes adjusted to it. infront of me stood a woman with deep black eyes and stringy brown hair stood infrotn of me. she was only a foot taller than me but she was very thin and her skin was ahnging off her in clumps along with her tattered dress. she looked like a corpse bride to me really with the way the dress was styled.  she looked at me with a scowl on her torn lips and she had broken golden locket around her neck. " so, you found out about your father little Ira? well good for you. i thought i had kept them away from you forever. ill make you pay for killing my servents. do you know how much magic it took to control that woman to even try to love you?" she said making the chains glow hotter on me. i screamed loudly before i coudl even ask her why she thought i was called Ira. she just contiued to scowl until she made them stop glowing and looked at the slash on my eye. " huh. so he did manage to breck free of my spell and hurt you. good for him. your lucky its the holy day or i would come out and kill  them right infront of you. good day to you" she said as the flames went out leaving me in darkness. i heard her walk away but i heard her mumble, " i have an idea to ruin you yet." i was confused but soon i woke up in a soft place. i coudlent open ym eyes since they were so heavy but i was starting to make out that i was in a bed. i felt something around my mouth and nose making the air smell pure to me. i heard mumbling around me between two women. one faintly sounded like lavander and the other was unknown. my eyes suddnely shot wide when i heard Aeon yell near by and i tried to sit up. i was quickly shoved back down an something was put over my eyes to keep me from seeing. i groaned as i heard the unknown voice say " stay down dear. you are fine from being healthy. youve inhaled alot of nasty smoke.. im treating you with my oxygen for a while. nod you head if you understand" she said. she sounded older than me but not to old as i noded slightly and jsut calmed down. soon i blacked out again but for some reason i did not appear in the cavern this time. insted i saw the outline of a womans face in my dream, she seemed to have curly hair with raven black hair with chestnut highlights in it. she also seemed to have bright gold eyes and fuller lips along with a heart shaped face. she looked very pretty until i was awoken by the pure oxygen being gone from me. i coughed a little and moved the cloth covering my eyes and looked around. the only one there was alvander who looked at me worried. " oh thank the gods you are alright.. we dont know what happend to you but we saw what happend to your house...  i wont ask you what happend right now, but ill say you do need a bath. you look a mess." she said helping me to get up. i now could breath properly and followed her through a door in the room i was lying in. in this one was a large bathtub with a pump  near the side of it. along with a chamber pot and a  stone sink near a large window with another pump in it. i looked confused at it all and then to her. she simply smiled and helped me get undressed and into the bathtub. she looked through some cabinates and found soap and towles and a bucket for rinsing.  she went over to the tub with me and pumped some water into the bucket and dumped a few full ones onto me before starting to wash my hair. i pushed her hand away and grabbed the oap and washed it my self. " im big enough to wash it my self grandma. im five and can do it all on my own" i said. she smiled and let me wash ym hair and body by my self but she made sure herself i got all the soap off me and heped me get dried off. i looked around for my cloths but realized that i dident have the chance to grab any clean cloths. lavander told me to stay there and left to go get me some cloths. i walked into the room i was lying in and found i had been in a large bed that could ahve fit Aeon in his wolf form easily. i also spotted a chest infront of the foot of the bed for storing things in. there was also a wardrobe for cloths and other things. i looked into it and saw it was empty. i closd it and went to the chest and saw it had the mirror, my ow and arrows, and the thing wrapped in cloth.  i took it out and unwrapped it. it was very warm and had a pulsing feeling to it. i looked at it and gasped seeing it was some sort of egg. it was a glowing pearly color with flecks of other colors in it. i put it up to ym ear and heard a faint thump like a heartbeat. my eyes widened and looked at it closer. i coudlent tell you what was in it but i knew it was important. i wraped it back up quickly and stood up as Lavander came in with a silk dress. it has a hard corset with it attached to a flowing skirt. i glared at it since i never iked corsets but lavander glared back as she made me put it on. it wasent so bad since i was very skinny but she still tightend it very tightly onto me as she grabbed a brush and tried to brush my hair. i hissed as i positivly hated hating my hair brushed. i scrambled to hide in the wardrobe but she grabbed me and pinned me to her. " now calm down Victrix. i promise i wont make it hurt badly but if you keep moving around it will hurt" she said in a tough tone. i sighed and just sat there letting her brush my wet hair. i hissed as she went through knot after knot since my hair was very wavy and on the thicker side. she sighed and took it slowly as it seemed to stretch on for hours until she finaly was done. she tilted my head back and started to braid it from the top of my head all the way down till it reached the lower of my back and she tied it with a hair string. she threw the braid over my right shoulder and kissed my head. " theres my beautiful granddaughter. you look so much like your mother and father.. but your short jsut liek your father. if you were more of your mother you would be very very tall like most elfs. but oh well. listen to me, you are in the castle of the elfs that rule this land and that ruled over the land of your old home. you are going to stay here and they will take care of you. the queen will be your new mother and the king your new father.. we must now hide our whole clan again from Corvax and its going to take a while. so you wont see us. stay with them and do as they say please. i think youll like thier son. he is very fun or so his parents say. but since they are the king and queen they are using the nanny for thier son as your nanny to. be good for her." she said hugging me and getting up. i frowned and looked at her as she pulled out a thick book from a bag she had and gave it to me. she quickly left out of the door and closed it. so i was alone again with no blood family... great. i looked at the book and saw it was about creatures of this world and the next. i put it into the chest an sighed as i heard someone knock on the door. i opened it and a red headed woman who was holding the hand of a boy with black hair and purple eyes was standing in the door way. she smiled and knelt down to my level and looked at me." hello there dear. im your nanny lily. this is the young prince Caelum." she said motioning to the boy who looked at me curiously. i looked back at him as he was dressed in thinner cloths that looked like ones for riding a horse. lily got up and motioned from him to me. he nodded and handed me a small box with something in it. i looked at it confused and opened it. inside was a jewled hair ornament in the shape of a symbole of the omnia power. lily helped me put it into the end of my braid as i looked at him." what is this for?" i asked. " let it be the start of our friendship." he said with a smile.

Duel of the Rozez-Parting of the Ways-Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now