Chapter 4:

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Warning: Boring Chapter.😐😐😐


Then the bell rings the second time.

Holy mother of paparazzi!

I stopped on my tracks and start staring from afar. Its like I've been forcibly stop at that moment. When I blink, the houses and stores starts to change. The tree that was just beside me turned into a huge house. Or is it called a mansion. The surroundings began have a crowd and noises take over.

Okay where am I? This is strange. I sigh when I look around again hoping to have a bit of Lilith to look for me. But no sign at all. That woman, I'll smack her when I find her. How rude of her to leave me. After maybe almost an hour of searching for Lilith, I stop at a nearby store. It is selling um fresh meat I think. Well they are meat but I don't know what meat is it so I decided to ask the shop clerk.

"Um excuse me? What meat are you selling?" I ask 'kindly'.

Hey it isn't of my nature to be kind you know. And believe me pretending is very hard. It's as if I am climbing the air. See? Hard. Or maybe I am just exaggerating. But nah. This is MY dream anyway. (Or it is just my imagination? Inside my brain? Which is very much likely.) But he responds immediately so why bother.

"Oh it's Double Con's hind leg and Ibrobob's belly. These two are on season today." He said with slang accent (or how should I put it but whatever).

I raised my eyebrow and ask again.

"Wasn't it Lawry Pig? I thought. . ."

"Oh yes. Lawry Pig's on season in Ardenossa but young lady were in Collary now. Different season, different weather."

My eyes widen immediately and I tried to speak but no voice of mine came out. Then, the clerk notice my reaction and chuckle.

"You came from Ardenossa, am I right mate? And from your reaction, you are a new Deream."

"Uh excuse me, Deream? What's a Deream?" I asked. He then raised his eyebrow and eyed me intently. Okay what's up bro? He step outside and come closer to me. Of course as an instinct I step back. But it came to an end when a tree hit my back. I gulped.

"Mmm that's strange! Normally a new Deream is oriented on what is and what are's? But you don't seem to know anything." He said still in that position. Then he eyed me again.

"I'd love to become your tutor! Want my assistance, mate?" He continued.

I put my index finger in his chest and laugh awkwardly while saying.

"Um I love that but I very much love a little. . . Distance"

"Oh right! I'm sorry. By the way I am Brokely Mendel.--" before he could continue I cut him off. I mean--you know what I mean.

"Broccoli Mendew??" He smiled and corrected me.

"It is actually Broke-ly Men-del! Broke and Brocc are different." Ha! Well yes in terms of spelling but in pronunciation. I doubt it differ.

"Part-time store owner, part-time tour guide and um they say I am a full-time annoying guy but nah just ignore it. Shall we?" He gestured his hand like saying 'come in my humble abode' or whatever.

"Nice to meet you, Brokely--"

"Call me Bro" he said which caused me to raised my eyebrow. Bro? Nice.

"Yeah Bro. I'm uh C.A! Let's just stick with C.A!" He seemed confuse at first but let it slide.

"It's um a. . . nice name. Hey Loki come here for a second." He said while scratching his nape.

"What is it Br-- oh ohh!! Hi there young lady. What may a young lad such as myself can offer you any help?" That's cringy. Well he is a young lad. I force a smile and flinch unnoticed.

"Uh I. . . Was--"

"Oh don't scare our little kitten, Loki. Anyway, C.A this is Loki, my trusted and loyal dog."

"Your what??" Loki (not so manly) screamed.

"Oh I-I mean trusted uh servant. And Loki this is C.A, my guest. Now shake your hands. Good."

Loki is just around my height. Has milky skin and coppery hair. His eyes were a pair of dark brown orbs. He also has 2 piercings in his right ear.

Loki ran back to his work while Bro urge me to sit in an old wooden chair. He walked away and came back with a tray of um two cups and teapot? I don't know what's inside. (For all I know it is some kind wierd things.)

"Here, it is khu-phoon tea. Made from a finest frog in Collary." I almost fall from my seat.

"Excuse me frog? As in those things that hop and eat flies?" I asked obviously.

"Never heard of them before? Well yes that kind of frog"

I feel my blood ran down from my face. It's not everyday you could taste a tea made from frogs (but you would never know, I already eat some wierd meat in Ardenossa). I gulped as he hand me cup of it.

"Oh and you should try this too. Its Chocolate cookies." I almost took a bite in that cookies when he added something.

"With frogs of course!" He said proudly.

"O-oh? Um do you have any . . .--" . . Food that does not involve animals that hops?(most particularly frogs).

". . . Other foods that I'd like to eat."

I notice the tip of his lip curve up and watch me amusingly.

"Oh what is this 'other foods that you like to eat'?"

"Pepperoni pizza, perhaps?" I told him but he raised his eyebrow as a respond.

"I've never heard of that food before. Where is it originated?" He asked which I smiled greatly.

What would I say? I didn't know where it originated. As far as I know almost every food store has it. Even the school canteen.

"Um in America perhaps! I don't really investigate where it originates or was it Europe?" I shrug.

"That's interesting! Tell me, C.A? Where did you come from? You're not a Deream and certainly not from this world" he ask. I gulped. Hey this isn't detective novels so why is he interrogating me?

"No need to lie, I can read your eyes." I frown at what he just said. Well worth a try!!

"What are you talking about? I came from Ardenossa. I have a friend there named Lilith. She and I have been friends for long now." I said raising my voice a bit while my hands folded. (I know its the basic things to do if you're being defensive but hey I AM being defensive so I have the right to follow the traditions)

"You said for long but you are a new Deream. How long was it? 1 or 2 days?" He then grinned.

"Bingo!" He said and started dancing and maybe the music were entitled 'Cheara caught redhanded'.

I frown at him, get 'food' and throw it at him and he just laugh!!

Argh curse you!


I know its boring! I promise I will try to beautify the next chapters. Hehhe sorry.

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