Chapter 5:

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Argh curse you!

He shield using his hand but the food still got into a few portion of his shirt.

"Hey! I did nothing wrong, little one. It is called stating the fact." He said while sweeping the floor.

"Hey too! Didn't your parents tell you to look at the person you are talking t-" before I could finish my sentence he cuts me off by pointing at me in an accusing manner.

"HA! I knew it! You aren't a Deream! You said so yourself." I raised my eyebrows confusingly.

"Well, little one, we need a little counselling!" He said. But I think it is orientation.

"This world is called Dreams. The people living in it are Deream. That's what I think we all are but I am wrong, wasn't I?" He said smirking.

I groan and he just happily drinking his cup of tea. (Filled with hopping creatures. Frogs)

"I hate your smirk. Please stop that"

He then laugh hard while clutching his stomach.

"Okay I'm sorry. So anyway, who are you? I think you indirectly said that you are NOT a Deream." I sigh before answering him. If I am trapped here I need help. And I think he is an angel from heaven. (But without wings, lots of scar, also he do not glow and lastly he well you know different from a real angel. Maybe)

"I am a human. I live on Earth. And I have a wierd ability to travel in my dreams like it happened in real life. The names Cheara Anabeth Prestly. Nice to meet you again"

"Ohh nice name you got there. So let's get to the real problem. Wait, what is your real problem?" He asked. I sighed before answering him. I told him what had happen to me.

He nodded understanding the problem I am currently having.

"So you are trapped here for the first time?"

"Sort of. I have been in my dreams before but there were no places like this. It is also the first time I've encountered the gate, I was telling you"

He nods again.

"Mmm. You are a Wanderer."

"Uh what?"

"Wanderer. Wanderer are people who have the ability to open the gate to other dimension depends on what kind of Wanderer you are."

"So what kind of Wanderer am I?"

He looked at me like saying 'seriously'.

"Little one, isn't it obvious? You're a dream Wanderer."

Oh. Makes sense. I mouth form an 'O'.

"Dream Wanderers are very rare. Maybe in ten thousand people, twenty of them are Dream Wanderers and among those, only few came in the gate. Also the few I said, atmost two came out."

"A-and and why. . .is that?"

"They were killed. Actually, in this world they consider Dream Wanderers a threat to us Deream. Maybe in a hundred percent, seventy five percent of the population believe this. Fifteen percent helps them and ends up dead. Five percent just ignores them and another five percent for us, the invisible helpers"
He explained. I gulped.

"So uhm. . . Am I going to die?"

"It depends. You see, I can give you the map to find the seven keys so you can open--"


"What do you mean why? Of course so you can--"

"Not that kind of why. *sigh* My question was referring to why we are threats?"

"Oh. Well. You know that way over there?" He said pointing a certain door. I raised my eyebrow a bit confused.

"You see little one, it is already 22:47, passed my bed time. So, that door I am pointing to is your room for the night while the opposite is the library. If your energy's still intact, you can just *yawn* make your way there and find out yourself. Goodnight."

And he left me here.





Great. Now what?

Since my energy is still 'intact', I decided to make my way to the library.

I opened it and stopped in my tracks in ultimate awe. What in the world. . . He called this a library? All I see is a cabinet full of books. Just a cabinet! Instead of wasting my time thinking of how many books there is in this cabinet I decided to search my problem immediately.

Dream keepers

Soul Wanderer

Prophecy of the old



Now that is what I am talking about. Let see. *flip one page, to next page and so on.* Not really helping. All it says was that Dream Wanderers opens the gate. Always opens the gate. And opens the gate. Just what in the world?

Am I wasting my time here?

Instead of continuing, I give up. Too tired to walked, I decided to just sleep in the pine tree (or so I thought) table.


I slowly open my eyes and felt happiness radiating my whole being.

I'm back. So back.

I was in the hospital I think because it is all white. Then I heard the door open revealing a middle aged woman who I think is the nurse attending me. I approach her and would like to ask but she just get passed me. Literally.


She eventually headed to my bed. . . Where I am currently in.

WHAT?! Am I in my astral body? I watched her as she injected something in the dextrose. Then she started talking.

"Hey lil' kitten. Your dad's been here. He said to take care of you because he's going on a business trip. *sigh* you've been here for quite some time now. I wonder when you're gonna wake up, sleeping beauty. . ."



Wake Up

"Wake Up! Hey!"

I opened my eyes and immediately greet by Bro. I am gasping for air and sweats run down my forehead to my neck.

"What happened?"

"I'm. . . I cannot" realization hit me like cold water.

"I cannot . . . Go back." I whisper the last words I said as I felt my eyes start to water.

I fell to my feet and put my hands in my face and started crying. I felt Bro kneeling beside me. He tried comforting me but it was of no use.

"No. No. No. Why? I don't understand this. . . I don't. . . I-I-"

"Sssshhh. Everything will be alright. Don't worry. I'll get you out of here"

"No, you don't understand. I was there. I was already there. So why, why?"

"Don't cry now lil one. I promise to help you and try everything I can to get you out. Okay. . .

I won't let that happened again. Not to you, my grandchild"


Another one for you people (who are reading this beautiful piece of trash).

Hahahaha. Love y'all everyone. Please vote and comment. Muah muah😘😘😘

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