6 - Farewell to Bucky

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6 - Farewell to Bucky


It had been a good few months since Bucky had left to go and fight in the war. The hardest part was saying goodbye after that night we spent under the stars and that kiss. I touch my lips in reminiscence of the memory. I would give anything to have him back in arms.

I hold in my hand the locket Steve and Bucky bought for me last Christmas. It had a photo of the three of us inside and on the back it had 'Till the End of the Line' engraved on the back. It hasn't been long since I learnt that Steve was indeed Captain America.

I saw one of the shows and recognised him instantly. I could never forget his face, especially his eyes. I snuck backstage and confronted him, yes I did get angry. But in my defence, he didn't tell me where he had gone and I was constantly worrying about him. It had finally given me some peace of mind.

Then when he told me he was going to visit some of the soldiers overseas my heart sank a little. I didn't think I could handle another one of my friends gone. But he had to go and with that I wished him luck and told him to make sure he writes to me to let me know he's safe. Exactly, what I told Bucky I told Steve.

I grabbed my jacket as I headed down the stairs. I was going out for a walk to clear my mind and besides I needed to get away from Silas. I pulled on my boots and opened the door.

"Hey Sila! Wait!" Silas yelled running up to the door.

"What is it, Silas?" I asked impatiently.

"A letter came for you this morning." He replied catching his breath.

"Oh okay, well I'll see you in a bit." I said taking the letter from him.

"Don't be out too late."

"Don't worry about me I'll be fine." I said hugging him before I left down the street.

I never normally get letters from anyone. The only two people it could from is Steve or Bucky, but I don't recognise the handwriting. It also has a weird symbol stamped on it, which I haven't seen before along with the letters S.H.I.E.L.D.

I go to the place Bucky took me on the last night I saw him. I went there almost everyday purely because when I was there I felt a piece of Bucky was with me. It wasn't far from my house and I had reached the building in a matter of minutes. I ran up the staircase to be welcomed by the array of flowers. I lay my jacket on the floor and sat on top of it.

My hands started to shake as I went to open the envelope. I suddenly felt very very sick. What if this isn't good news? What if they are, no I can't think like that. It may not even be about Bucky or Steve. I tried to calm my breathing and I tore open the envelope unravelling the folded letter.

Dear Sila Lockwell,

My name is Agent Peggy Carter from the newly established Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division or S.H.I.E.L.D. But most importantly I am a friend of Captain Steve Rogers. I am deeply sadden to inform you that Captain Steve Rogers is to be declared killed in action due to a plane crash in an unknown location.

He wished he could have written to you himself about what I'm going to say next. I am, again, deeply saddened to inform you the James Buchanan Barnes has been declared killed in action after falling from a moving train. I send you my deepest condolences I cannot begin to imagine the losses you have encountered.

But I can say one thing, you sound like a truly remarkable person from what Steve has told me and one day I hope to meet you myself.

Agent Peggy Carter.
Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division (S.H.I.E.L.D)

No, no, no, no. This can't be real, no please oh god no. I can't have lost them no not my Bucky, not my Steve, not my best friends. My tears fell onto the letter causing the ink to bleed. I dropped to the floor curling myself up into a ball. I grasped the locket and letter holding them close, as I cried my heart out.

Till the End of the Line was the last thought that stuck with me.

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