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Raine shifted uncomfortably in the dress.

"Do I have to wear white?" she asked her uncle.

Lorelei chuckled. "It is tradition, as you know. And I must say it rather suits you. I never though I would see you out of your uniform."

Raine smiled. "Times change, I guess."

She looked at her reflection. Her gaze traveled over the dress before she met her gaze again. A band of blye and white flowers rested on her curled hair.

She sighed. "Who would have thought?"

"I would. And I did."

She turned to see Gandalf standing in the doorway of her room at Erebor. She smiled. "I thought you were still cleaning Mirkwood?"

"Radagast insisted that he was fine," the wizard said.

"Well. I am glad to have you here. Did Bilbo say anything?"

Gandalf stepped aside to reveal the hobbit standing behind him. Bilbo waved nervously.

"Should there be so many men in here?" he asked. "Wouldn't it be bad luck or something?"

Lorelei chuckled, but nodded, ushering them out of the room.

Raine glanced ay herself one last time before tucking a tiny blade inside the sleeve of her dress.

She smiled encouragingly at herself in the mirror.

"No pressure."


It was a small ceremony by dwarven standards, but it was beautiful.

The food was good (to Bombur's delight) and the music excluded elven flutes. The dancing was upbeat as always and even Bilbo danced along, keeping up with surprisingly good pace.

Lorelei took Thoring off to the side for a warning at some time, but he seemed happy.

Raine was standing near a window later that night, feeling the cold breeze over her face, when Thorin walked up to her.

"You'r uncle is quite a man," he said with a chuckle.

The woman groaned softly, burrying her face in her hands. "I'm sorry... He's been a bit protective since my parents died capturing Smaug. They managed to rip off the scale that helped me kill him."

Thorin watched her closely. "They would be proud," he said softly, taking hold of her hands. "I know I am."

She laughed softly. "Thanks."

The dwarf smiled, turning her hand over and placing something in her palm.

She stared. "Is that...?"

He nodded. "I took a piece of his scales and molded it into a mini-Smaug. I know you had some kind of bond with him so I thought you would--"

She cut his off with a hug. "Thank you," she whispered.

"I never thought I would see you doing such intricate detail."

He chuckled into her hair as he looped the small golden chain around her neck. "I am a man of hidden talents."



She met his gaze. "Yes?"

Thorin looked up at her. "Were you aware of the fact that I was wearing Mithriel when Azog attacked me?"

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