Chan 「Only You」

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"Why are you still lying down?! They party is gonna start in two hours!"

"Exactly (Y/N). I take like 10 mins to get ready. Now relax a bit and come here" he says as he reaches for you.

"No way! I gotta start getting ready." you step back dodging his grasp.

"Who are you trying to impress huh?" his tilts his head a bit to the side.

"I only love you Chan and you know that. I only want to impress you." you respond saying the last part a little louder than a whisper.

"You know you don't have to do anything special. You impress all the time, even when you're sleeping and drooling all over the place." he smiles.

Taking advantage of your flustered state, he reached out for you and pulled you onto the bed with him. You gently land next to him and he faces in your direction.

"You're beautiful (Y/N), don't ever forget it. They way you smile, you're beautiful eyes and the way you laugh gets me every time." he whispers all while stroking your hair. "Please don't ever change. Just know that if we ever get into a fight, I probably have no idea what I'm saying to and that I love you no matter what."

"Ahh what's with all the softness," you blush. "You know I don't know how to respond to all this."

"Don't say anything then. Just let me look at you." he softly places a finger under your chin and lifts your face.

His arm wraps around your waist and he pulls you closer. You're now just inches apart and are so close that his hot breath gently caresses your cheeks. One of his hands continues to fondle with your hair while the other begins to draw little circles around your back.

He moves slightly and the space between you two is gone. He now rests his head on top of yours and puts one leg on top of your body practically trapping you.

"What're you doing," you slightly chuckle.

"Holding you close to make sure you don't go anywhere." he murmurs, feeling the vibrations of his talking through your body.

"You know." He squeezes you a bit. "If I could stay like this the whole night, I would."

"Well, the party isn't that important. We can just stay here the whole night." your muffled voice speaks up due to your face being pushed against his soft yet toned chest.

"No no no, we should go but let's stay like this a bit longer."

"I agree, I've got no one else to impress but you anyways."

I hope you all enjoyed♡ Your opinion and vote matter to me! More to come and requests are open!Thank you!

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