Jeongin 「Promise To Stay」

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Holding the "help wanted" flyer in your hands, you look up to the brick building towering over you. Through the windows, you see dainty flowers adorning the inside of the store and a person making a bouquet.

Walking through the door, a refreshing wave aroma wraps around you and being inside, there were way more flowers than it seemed.

The light footsteps of a person approaching you snap you out of the trance the place holds on you. Right in front of you is someone you thought you'd never see again. Someone you've always hoped running into again

Yang Jeongin

---  Elementary  ---

"Hey stop it, this is my area!" you cry pushing the kid away from your place in the sandbox. "I was here first so go away."

The kid who was invading your area just squats next to you and watches you and oddly stares while remaining quiet.

"What's your name?" you ask him completely forgetting he was taking up your space, but you're only 6 so you don't really know the feeling of anger.

He replies "Jeongin" in a small whisper and for now it's all the comes out of his mouth. Waiting for him to maybe ask you what's your name you sit patiently for about 2 seconds before you blurt out your name and smile.

Behind you, the teacher watches you two as she pushes one kid on the swings. Being so young, you didn't really pay attention to your surroundings and putting two and two together didn't come as naturally as it does now.

Jeongin didn't talk much, in fact he didn't talk to anyone at school and always stayed quiet. The teacher would encourage him to talk to others but he always opted for playing by himself or taking naps.

Seeing that now he's interacting with at least one person, her worry over him begins to ease.

"Do you wanna play," you ask Jeongin handing him one of the toy trucks as grains of sand fall back into the small dune.

With a cute toothy grin, he accepts the truck and fills it with sand. You fills yours with sand as well and both of you begin pushing them around.

The teacher blows the whistle and you dump the sand from the truck onto the ground again. Rather than following your actions, Jeongin dumps the sand on you and runs away laughing.

You couldn't even be mad at Jeongin because his laugh was so cute and his smile with his little crooked teeth made you wanna diiieee

Brushing off the sand off you, you got up and ran back to the building as tiny pieces of grain trialed behind you.

From that day on, you and Jeongin were inseparable. Some days he would bring you a little snack from his house to show you his appreciation. Whether it be some fruit gummies or a banana, he'd always give you something to show his gratitude for you.

On the other hand, you'd always attempt to make him bracelets or drawings of you two growing old together watching the sunsets or random things you did that day like play dress up or with dolls and cars.

Of course nothing ever turned out like you imagined it and would just be a badly tied string with one bead in it and smudges of color you would call art.

But Jeongin, he would always take what you gave him and kept it in a box he hid under his bed or hanged up the drawings on the wall.

At times you'd even hold hands with him while you sat on a carpet and the teacher read to the class for story time.

There was a rule that you should keep your hands to yourself and that included holding hands but you and Jeongin would sit close as possible to each other while you held hands behind your backs.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2019 ⏰

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