Minho 「One in the Same」

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The annoying sound of your alarm fills the room, disturbing your sleep. You turn under your covers to reach for the snooze button for the fifth time but realize you know have 15 minutes to get ready for school.

Damn it (Y/N), why do you always do this to yourself. Next time you should sleep earlier rather than staying up watching dramas. You contemplate to yourself, while still lying under the comfort of your bed sheets.

You quickly step onto the cold floor and run around your room trying to make yourself look presentable. You throw on some clothes and make your way outside to the bus stop on the corner of your street.

Through out the ride, you listen to music, blocking out the world around you. Your mind begins to replay moments of your previous town where you had settled down. The sound of laughter and the bright smiles on your friend's face reminds you of the time you enjoyed life, rather than isolating yourself and dreading every second, in your new school.

The first thing you do when you arrive at is go straight to your locker and grab materials for class. You're one of the first to arrive and quietly take your seat, closest to window in the back.

Still having some time left, you put your head down and rest while the others arrive.

The bell startles you as it rings, signaling the beginning of class but you couldn't be bothered to pick up your head and continued sleeping.

Soon, it's time for lunch but everyone has gone without waking you up. Even the teacher left because just as the kids, she couldn't care any less.

No one bothers to wake you up until there's a slight tap on your shoulder.

"Uhh, are you alright?"

"Huh? Oh I-" you stop mid sentence when you turn to see the person behind that voice.

"Sorry to disturb but you're in my seat" the person replies.

"I'm sorry" you whisper as you quickly gather your belongings to move out of his seat.

"Nah, I'm just messing around" the boy says. "My names Minho." He says extending his hand.

"(Y/N)" you reply back shaking his hand. "Nice to meet you"

"Did you eat lunch? You looked like you were sleeping for a while" he giggles reaching to fix your hair.

You blush but stay frozen, as if this is the first time you have ever made human contact. "I haven't eaten lunch," your reply and on queue, your stomach growls.

"Well I have an apple! but that's all I have," he nervously smiles and swings his backpack forward. It accidentally lands on you desk, scattering all your belongings onto the floow

After being stunned for a bit, you get up to gather your items once again.

"Wait! It's okay I got it, (Y/N)" Minho puts a hand out signaling for your stop and then points to your seat.

You obey and watch as hands move across the floor and grab everything that he clumsily dropped.

"Alright, that's everything. Also, here's that apple." he hands you the shiny red fruit that has never looked more appealing.

"(Y/N), no eating in class." the teacher calls you out, as she walks in.

You get up and throw the only food you would've had today into the trash. You look up to see Minho in his seat, looking staring at you but glances away.

Does he like me? I can't assume anything yet. I'll just end up being disappointed. Thoughts run through your head while you sit, completely ignoring what the teacher is saying.

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