Zap Pop Zap

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Chapter 2

Authors note: Panic attack this chapter, be careful if that triggers you. Sorry if it's a little short, I didn't want to rush the plot too much. Let me tell you, it's really hard to keep the boys from just doing what they want. I had to rewrite the last scene multiple times to get it how I wanted. I have like 6 pages of a deleted scene because of it. Also, I don't expect that the updates will have such small breaks between them in the future- I work 40 hours a week so it may be slow, but I am already working on the next chapters.

Once again thanks for reading, commenting, and voting! And enjoy! C:


I hear quiet footsteps coming towards me. I try to control my breathing, I don't want them to know where I am.

I see the pool of blood growing from underneath the lifeless body across the room. The dim light filtering through the window making the scene in front of me even more chilling.

I see the heavy black boots that leave a trail of red in their wake. They're right in front of me now.

I stop breathing.

They lean over, and I look into pitch black eyes before I wake up.

My eyes open to the soft trickle of light through my window and the dull buzzer of my alarm. It's time to get up and get ready. I shake off my dream and look at my clock. The boys told me that they were leaving at around 10 am, which gives me around two hours to get ready.

I still wasn't sure if I should risk going with them. On one hand, I hadn't been out of this area since I'd moved here, and I'd love a chance to explore.

On the other, if my mother found out... If my mother found out I'd be facing some heavy consequences, especially since I'd be out with men. Maybe a punishment worse than kneeling on rice. Was it worth it?

Going through my morning routine, I weighed the pros and the cons. Eating my bowl of cereal, I begin to make a list.

Pros; They're nice. They're my friends, and I want to spend time with them. I want to explore. I don't want to feel trapped anymore.

Cons; If I got caught, I don't know how bad the punishment will be. I don't know how lucid my mother is, and I haven't seen Marie in days. I didn't know where the mall was either, exactly, so I would be breaking that rule too. If I chose to go, that is.

I make my decision as I slip my hair up into my clip, and straighten out my faded pink blouse over my grey skirt.

I'm going with them.

I check on Marie's room first. She isn't here.

I look in on my mother before making my way out. She's still out cold, but at least she's breathing. I make sure to leave some water and crackers on her side table before unlocking the back door and heading out into the woods.

I didn't want to run straight to Kota's, just in case Marie was around watching.

The anxious feeling in the pit of my stomach is shifting to a new feeling, one of excitement. I'm going to the mall with my friends!

After making my way around, I knock on Kota's door.

It takes a minute or two, but then the door opens, and I smile up- into the face of the scariest looking person I have ever encountered.

His eyes are dark, he's almost as tall as Silas, and just as bulky. He has shaggy dark hair, a gold hoop in his left ear, and a scowl on his face that quickly changes to a look of curiosity. He's wearing a black shirt and bootcut jeans. His prominent muscles would have anyone shaking in their boots.

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