Author's Note 1

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Hello! I hope all of you are doing well!

First, I'd like to apologize for how long it's been. I'm really sorry, life caught up with me and writing had to take a back seat.

On top of work, applying for school, home life, and my mental and physical health- a lot wasn't going my way, and I didn't have the energy or time to be writing.

Not that that excuses anything, but at least it gives you some context.

Anyways, while I was gone I did do little one shots that are on my google drive. I also planned out a new story- When the Crow Sings- which is a zombie AU.

This is important to know because it changes some things; my update schedule.

I am planning on returning sometime this month or next. and when I do, each story will be a monthly updated story; As in week 1 I won't update anything, week 2 I will update this story, week 3 nothing, and week 4 WtCS. This should go into affect soon, and also give me some time to stock pile some chapters.

So, now that that's been taken care of, I'd like to know: What would you like to see more of in this story? Is there anything I should be doing differently? 

I do have it planned out (in depth for this first arc, more loosely for the middle and ending arcs), but I am always open to hearing what you guys want.

Thanks for reading and sticking with me. It makes me really happy and helps me keep the little motivation I have to write.

Make today a great day, I'll see y'all next time!

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