I Dare Ya'

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Chapter 6

Authors note: Hello my lovely birds, dogs, and nonbinary peeps! Welcome back!

So, this is kind of a short chapter. Sorry? I tried to write a playful fun chapter but somehow I just write angst. Always.

Warnings this chapter for self doubt and hatred, mentions of past abuse, a dream scene of abuse (skip the scene wrapped in ~~~ if this makes you uncomfortable), and foul language).

I really appreciate all of the votes, comments, and views. It makes me happy people are reading my story and enjoying it, so thank you for your time! Also, I've been pretty stressed and got sick this week so we may not have an update next week. If so, sorry in advance!

See you next time!


I had to tie the drawstrings on the pants as tight as they would go in order to not be afraid that they'd fall off. I also had to roll them up, otherwise I'd be tripping on them all night. It kind of reminded me of when little kids try on their parents shoes- adorable and a little funny.

I grumbled at that, but quickly pushed it aside. I pulled the orange shirt on, and grabbed my discarded clothes. Where should I put these?

I decided to leave them on top of the dresser so that I could find them tomorrow, and head out the door. I heard laughs and voices in the living room and scuffled my way toward it.

As I entered, all voices stopped. I looked up and saw everyone staring at me- some with smiles, others with open mouths.

Victor had a smirk on his face and the fire in his eyes was blazing. Gabriel let out a low whistle, causing me to blush harder. "Wow, Trouble, you look good in my clothes."

"Those aren't your pants." Victor said, blushing but grinning, and everyone broke out into laughter.

I took that moment to look around at each boy.

Nathan, Silas, North, and Dr. Green were all shirtless. Every one of them was wearing pajama pants except for Nathan, who just had a pair of athletic shorts on.

They were all very athletic looking, and my heart rate picked up.

I had to avert my gaze, my face felt too hot.

The rest were wearing shirts, thankfully.

Kota had on a hunter green t-shirt and a pair of plaid pants.

Luke had on a pair of sweats and a tank top and had a bag of chips in his lap.

Victor was wearing a plain white t-shirt and pajama pants, with comfortable

looking slippers on his feet.

Gabriel was wearing an orange tank top and a pair of athletic shorts that

matched, a blanket wrapped around his fit shoulders.

Mr. Blackbourne. He somehow looked immaculate, even in his plain grey pajama

bottoms and white shirt.

He nodded at me and I averted my gaze, embarrassed to be caught staring at

each of them. A couple guys chuckled at my reaction.

"Oy, fuckers, it's time to start!" Gabriel said, and made grabby hands at me that

reminded me of a child.

I laughed and walked over to him, settling against him like I had earlier when he painted my nails for me. He rested his chin on top of my head and I felt the comfortable buzz travel through my body.

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