Author's Note (Please Read)

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I'm so sorry for not updating in so long! I feel so bad. I've been really busy with finals coming up and my parents found out I'm bi (it wasn't a bad reaction but it's still been stressing me out because they think I "want to experiment" and they "don't want me to put a label on it") and my asthma is the worst it's ever been and it's been affecting every aspect of my life negatively since thanksgiving. (I can't remember a night recently where I haven't woken up coughing in the middle of the night.) chapter 5 is on its way but it might take a little while. I will keep updating my art/spam book though since drawing relaxes me and takes my mind away from stress and I get bored a lot. I know they're sucky excuses and now I feel bad for complaining...
There will be a chapter 5 eventually I promise!

Stay gay loves!

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