Chapter 5

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Kevin's POV
          Connor and I sit down at a table, a coffee in my hand and a hot chocolate in his. I open up my laptop and type in my password.

"So..." I say, drumming my fingers against the table. "What do we need for this sleepover?" I ask, looking at Connor quizzically.

I open the "Notes" app on my computer and begin typing, titling it as 'Con's Cast Sleepover <3'.

"Well, we need food...obviously," Connor says, taking out his sketchbook and a pencil. He placed the eraser under his chin. "And movies." He says before he begins doodling on the paper.

"Okay, what type of food?" I ask, typing down the titles 'food' and 'movies'.

Connor hums in thought before his eyes light up. "We can order pizza and make popcorn... and pick up some candy from Rite Aid!"

I chuckle at Connor's enthusiasm and types down his requests.

Connor looks up at me in thought, sketching vigorously.

"What are ya drawing?" I ask, craning my neck to try to see the sketchbook in his lap.

He looks up and quickly closes his sketchbook. "N-nothing!" he squeaks as he makes himself smaller by shrinking into the chair.

My eyebrows knit in confusion and I tilt my head to the side. "Okay?..." I respond, confused as to what he could be so secretive about. I shake my head and resume typing. "What movies should we watch?"

Connor quickly sits up in his chair, springing up comically almost like a jack in the box. "I have a recording of the Falsettos revival. I've never watched it but it's supposed to be really good!"Connor says quickly, bouncing in excitement. " And I have the live action Beauty and the Beast! I got it after you raved about it for an hour in the car to your brother's beach birthday party," he says, blushing slightly.

I chuckle at his adorable antics and inwardly melt at the sight of his pink cheeks. They were pink from his hot drink, not me... right? I put the question aside. "That sounds great!" I finally respond, typing down Connor's request.

"Okay, no more sleepover stuff I'm bored!" Connor whines. 

I laugh and close the list. "What do you want to do then?"

He taps the table, looking down at his feet in thought. "Do you want to practice for the musical? We can work on our characters and chemistry and stuff since we'll work on music and coreo during rehearsal." He says, looking up tentatively. 

"Absolutely! Do you want to head to my house?" I ask excitedly before my face falls slightly. "Can we go to yours?"

Connor looks up at me with a confused expression that quickly disappears with understanding. "Yeah, that would be a good idea."

          Ever since I met Connor (though I claim it was just a random guy who goes to our school) I began to have gay thoughts. At first, I threw the feelings to the side, thinking I had just wanted to become closer with him but was proven wrong when I would catch myself daydreaming about holding his hand, the feel of his fingers combing through my hair, and his soft pink lips on mine. I didn't know what to think. I knew I liked girls but found that I also like boys. 

          A few nights later I pulled out my laptop and looked up 'can you like boys and girls?' i scrolled through a website and read something about being bisexual. I felt something just...snap into place. When I saw the word it felt like I found a part of myself that I didn't even know was missing. I felt oddly at peace. 

          One day after a particularly hard day at school. (As in me almost getting hard after hearing Connor sing for the first time) I approached my parents and told them how I was having gay thoughts but still liked girls. Their reaction terrified me. They were oddly calm as they told me how homosexuality was a disease and that I should just choose girls and ignore the gay feelings. I remember feeling like I had been stabbed in the heart by a flaming trident when they said that if I ever came home holding hands with a boy they would 'kindly kick me out.' 

          From that point on there was a silent agreement that the only boy I would have over to the house was straight church friends and Arnold.

I stand up and pack my stuff into my backpack. I hide my frown with a big smile. Connor slings his backpack over his arm and follows me as I start heading for the door. I hold the door open for him.

"Thank you!" he sings. 

'Thank you for having that fine ass.' I think to myself as I glance down at his rear before mentally slapping myself.

It's sorta short, I know sorry! I will try to update more frequently. My semester break comes up in a few days so I might be able to get another chapter out then. Thank you for reading! please share, vote, and comment your thoughts!

bye loves, stay gay!

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