Chapter 6

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Connor's POV

          Kevin pulled the car into the deserted driveway to my home. I unbuckle the seatbelt, grab my backpack and dance bag and hop out of the car. I start to walk to the door but stop and wait for Kevin. Kevin walks over to me and we walk to the front door together. I look through my dance bag until I'm met with a silvery gleam. "Aha!" I declare, pulling my keys out and closing the bag.  

Kevin chuckles and smiles at me.

 I quickly turn around and unlock the door, hiding my blush.

"Race ya!" I screech before sprinting into the house.

Kevin starts running after me. "No fair!" He yells.

"Yes fair!" I yell back, running up the carpeted stairs.

Kevin runs up, quickly getting closer. I feel his hands grab my hips. "Kevin!" I squeal as he pulls me down. I let out a loud yelp as I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around my chest. Kevin picks me up and runs up the stairs with me in his arms. 

"Put me down!" I yell playfully. 

"Never!" he jeers, giggling uncontrollably. He slams my bedroom door open and throws me on my bed before crawling on top of me and tickling me.

I let out an ear-piercing yelp. "K-Kevin! N-no that tickles!" I giggle.

"You asked for it!" he responds, tickling me harder.

I laugh loudly and squirm under him. "Kev! Stooooop!" I whine playfully. 

"Never!" Kevin screeches, straddling my waist and- oh my god his butt is on my dick and...fuck.

Kevin thankfully doesn't notice my bright red face, probably thinking its due to his relentless tickling. He lets out a tired breath and stops tickling me.

I stare up at him and let out a shaky breath, my eyes darting to his lips. 

Kevin stares back, his pupils blown wide. 

My face turns and even brighter red. Maybe... just maybe Kevin could... like me? No no no who am I kidding this is just an awkward situation and my room is dim so his pupils are wide because of of...biology and science! Yeah, science. Not attraction. Definitely not.

Kevin leans down and lets out a breath. 

I sit up on my shoulders as my eyes begin to flutter shut.

Kevin inches closer as his eyes do the same. 

I feel his hot breath against my cheek as my lips part slightly.

I inch closer, my lips almost to his. 

He cups my face and strokes my cheek. Kevin leans forward and-

The door slams open. "Hey, Con! How was school?!" shrieks my 7-year-old cousin, Emalia. 

My eyes snap open. I'm met with the sight of Kevin with a similar 'oh my god what the hell just happened' expression apparent on his face. Kevin lets out a yelp and quickly jumps off of me and stands awkwardly by the bed.

Luckily, Emalia was too entranced in the ice cream she was devouring to notice our...compromising situation.

She looks up after licking off a drop of ice cream off of her hand. She stares up at Kevin. "H-hey Kevin!" she mumbles, nervous as she had become entranced by Kevin since the first time we had hung out at my house.

"Hey Em, how are you?" Kevin asks, waving at Emalia with his signature Mormon boy smile.

"G-good." She squeaks. "uhm...bye!" She squeals before shutting the door and running to her room.

Kevin clears his throat and turns back to me. " d-do you want to watch a few of Marvin and Whizzer's duets and uhm sorta figure out our characters a-and stuff?" Kevin asks, visibly flustered. Obviously, because my cousin's crush on him makes him uncomfortable of course. 

I blink a few times, processing what had just happened before standing up. "Yeah, that sounds like a great idea! Why don't we watch the whole bootleg I have rather than taking bits and pieces? Then we can see the whole story then practice after!"

Kevin giggles at my enthusiasm. "Sounds great!"

I unzip my backpack and grab my laptop before climbing back on my bed and leaning against the headboard. I pat at the open space beside me, gesturing for Kevin to sit with me.

Kevin scurries over and lays beside me, wrapping his arms around my waist and placing my upper body on his chest, something he had a habit of doing on our many movie nights. This was normal for us and strictly platonic...for Kevin at least.

I scroll through a google document until I find one labeled 'broadway bootlegs' and click on it. I scroll through it before I find one under the title, 'Falsettos Revival'. I click it and put the video on full screen. We stare at the screen excitedly, interested in learning about our characters and learning the plot. Kevin tightens his hold on me and softly rests his chin on my head as I cuddle into him more. 


I know this chapter is short but I just had to get something out cause I felt so bad for not updating. Hope yall liked it and thank you so much for reading!

Bye loves!

Stay gay~

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