Vandel: Escape

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"You must be prepared."

The words from Lord Illidan Stormrage still rang in his ears as he coursed through the jagged wastes of Shadowmoon Valley leaving the massive Black Temple complex behind him.

"Damn the Warden," cursed Vandel silently under his breath.

He had repeatedly said that he was not the enemy of the Wardens, not the enemy of the night elves, not even the enemy of the Azerothian. But the fierce Shadowsong Warden kept assailing and attacking him. Through her glowing blue eyes behind the gleaming black helmet of the Wardens, Vandel could sense her hunger for blood and vengeance.

Vandel vaulted backwards as she delivers a punishing blow with her umbral crescent. He tried to regain his balance while holding together his bleeding torso as the warden charged at him and shouted, "Illidari!"

Then, he unleashed it. The chaotic green fel energy from his soul manifested throughout his body changing his battle-scarred body. With a shrill shriek, the demon hunter is now another feet taller, with fel-grown wings on his back, and hard dark scales covering his soft supple purple night elven skin.

Vandel concentrated the fel energy onto his blind fel-infused eyes. Then, green chaotic energy beamed out from his blind eyes towards the charging Warden.

Maiev Shadowsong took both of her umbral crescent, easily shielding her from the concentrated fel eye beam until the demon hunter is out of his energy. "Pathetic demon." Maiev Shadowsong spat under her breath. The stalwart warden readied her last charge as the whimpering demon hunter smells defeat.

Then the ground shook. The dark and foreboding temple is suddenly illuminated by bright fel at its top. The Black Temple, once was a beacon of the Light for the dreanei, before it was desecarated by the fel-infused orcs. Before the Black Temple there is the Temple of Karabor. The bright yellow and purple beacon of the dreanei was now a grim reminder of how corruptive the fel is the the holy place. Now, the Temple of Karabor is bright again but with emanating fel green. The top of the pyramid lets out a bright beam of green to the open sky illuminating the temple grounds. Runes appear from the grounds with the same energy. And the stairs and the dull crystals around the temple glowing ever so brightly.

All heads around the temple grounds were distracted by the fel beam and the sudden glow of the temple with their eyes burned by the light. The stalwart Wardens in black-clad armour, the armies of the honorable Horde and the valiant Alliance, and the defending forces of the Black Temple, the slithering snake-like creatures, the nagas, the fel orcs with red skin instead of green due to overexposure to fel, some blood elves loyal to Illidan, and other demons like the mesmerising four-handed Shivarra, the numerous and small fire-casting imps, and the felguards and felhounds, huge monstrous creatures that willingly yield themselves to serve Lord Illidan, all fell down to the grounds with weapons on their hands while covering their eyes in hopes of recovery.

Blind Vandel took this opportunity to flee to the edge of the temple grounds where he can see the barren, dusty ground of the Shadowmoon Valley. He extended his demonic wings and glide downwards saving his hide. As he flees, the Warden shouted, "You cannot escape me demon hunter!"

"I must be prepared." Muttered Vandel under his demonic guise.

A demon hunter alone in this world is never good. Alone, the constant threat of the demons of Outland, the unrelenting Horde and the suspicious Alliance from Azeroth are looming ahead of him. Oh, Azeroth, how had he missed the beautiful world compared to the wastes of Outland. How he missed the beautiful forests and pristine plains and the tranquil beaches and the rolling hillvale.

Vandel remembers who he was before all of this madness happened. He once had a family, a loyal wife, and a lovely daughter. He remembered the small wooden cottage tucked away at a hidden meadow on top of a hill in the enchanted elven forest of Ashenvale. Where the trees were purple like the colour of his skin and green like the colour of his hair. He remembered before and cling to it all. As he remembered the nights and days when the demons invaded Ashenvale during the Third War where he lost everything. When the Sentinels of the night elven army mounted a valiant defence against the orcs first, the humans, and finally the demons. And yet, the demons and the undead broke them. Even when the kaldorei banded with the humans and the orcs as their last defend at the top of Mount Hyjal, the Burning Legion still made their advance. If not for the actions of their shan'do, the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage, at the expense of Nordrassil, the World Tree, and the immortality of the night elves, all would be lost. When the kaldorei sacrificed their immortality to defeat Archimonde, the commander of the Burning Legion at the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Vandel thought he had lost it all. Not until he went back to his beloved wife and lovely daughter.

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