Vandel: Inner Demons

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Vandel could only think of his home, where his vengeance to the demons were borne. Where his wife and his daughter were slaughtered in front of his eyes by the large felhunter. He still remembered the cackle the felhunter made after it consumed his wife and daughter.

Felhunters do make the cackling sound once it consumed its prey. But for that particular felhunter, he can remember its high pitch and pig-like satisfaction that it squeals so distinctly loud.

In his vengeance, he killed the felhunter with his dagger that he still keep on his left buckle. On that day, on his wife's and daughter's corpse, he swore to not rest until the Burning Legion is all but naught. On that day, he swore an oath of vengeance.

He faced the felhunter again on the ritual he took to become a demon hunter, under the harsh tutelage of Lord Illidan Stormrage and Kayn Sunfury, the Illidari. He knew then that demons could not truly die, their souls were just sent out to the Nether for their body to regenerate and become whole altogether. That fuels more of his vengeance.

And when he knew that Illidan have a hand in also destroying his home, turning Ashenvale into Felwood, he felt a sting in his heart. Like being estabbed from the back.

Vandel woke up and groans loudly as the undead priest put a splat of poultice on his wounded chest. He grabbed onto the bony hands of the priest and screamed. Mordent called upon his assistant to help hold Vandel down. Another undead human came with several cloth and wound Vandel to the cot. His hands, legs, and body are strapped tightly to the wooden bed. He can hear loud booming noise from outside.

Yet, Vandel can still find some strength to ask about his home. "Tell me healer... Is it true? What the Huntress said about Ashenvale?"

Mordent appeared to be focusing on mending the open stitch on the demon hunter's open wound do not bother to answer. He took a long needle and a metal thread trying to put together the demon hunter's abdomen. His assistant brought a candle and burned the tip of the needle. Mordent then took a colourless liquid and slowly pour it on the demon hunter's wound.


Mordent finally talked, "Gag him."

As Vandel saw the needle enters her wound, everything around him become black and he passed out again.

When he woke up, the Captain and the warlock are at his bedside. The warlock was shackled by an anti-magic braces that prevent him to cast any spells and the Captain looked battle-hardened. The  pools under her eyes seem to be darker.

"Captain, it seemed that the demon hunter has awaken." The warlock alerted.

The Captain asserted her eyes on the prisoner. "We have been holding the fort for almost a fortnight. And the fel orcs keep coming at us. They are relentless to take back their fortress of stone and rock."

The ground shook. A blast from a fel cannon must have reduce some walls of the fortress.

"Oh, not to mention, the Horde blames you for this." Tystianlor interjected.

Captain Durotha glared at her comrade and continued, "Given your knowledge of the demons, we need all the help we can get. If you would be of interest?"

Vandel straightened his back and struggled to speak, "And... and what would happen to me... afterwards?"

Durotha grimaced and stretched her shoulders. That is one tired Captain. "Tell me night elf, what is your name?"

"Vandel." He managed.

"Vandel... your horns and your scars and your scale may give your Alliance the need to fear you, like how the night elves feared the satyr, a demonic reflections of themselves. Yet with the Horde, we find strength in our differences."

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